1 minute read
We Believe Tlrese Few Points Will be of Interest to Every Lumber DealGr'-
There is a very definite trend toward consolidation. Steamshipownersare grouping their tonnage. Timber owners are merging their holdings. Manufacturers are selling through fewer agencies. The entire industry is feeling this but $re are all too close to realize its moment.
This trend will be more pronounced as time goes on. Our mills feel that the Eource of supply is the foundation of every industry and they are 6rmly convinced that the far-sighted dealer must realize that a steady source of supply through one sales organization representing a group of substantial manufacturers offers something to the dealer for which there can be no substitute.
has joined the group of lumber manufacturers onPugetSound who market their products exclusively in California through this organization. Parker-Poli.neer Lumber Company cut approximately three million feet per month on one shift, operating a modern tawmill, band Eaw, 8x60 edger, automatic trimmer andusual equipment of resaws, trimmers, planers, etc. They are cutting small,smoothlogs producing a high grade quality of dimension and structural grades.