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Theyte 8tf"8 Growth Yellonr uo1t ilo II II A7ilr
R. S. Voods San Diego, Calif.
writes mentioning
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' crrstomers. There's "Satisfac. tion in every food' of our Old Growttr Ycllow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln.dried and dressed after scasoning to Ameri. can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
Srht. F. Mb6r Cftptny 16 C.lifornl. st!€.t SrnFrcncilco. Callf frntl@€n: fa hv. sLotdcd crr 0.N. l9g59 contrln_ lng Floorlng!, C.Illngs, rnd Stcpptng, .hippod lroo th6 ContFel Co.I t Cokc Corcinyi vorniirie 0rcaon, v.rt truly your.,
B.ing a!_fi.!t .hlFcnt feE tht. EtU, 16 r.16 natsrlly tntorcstod Md ouFtou. !o ;.. r-h6lhor tho !tock cM. up to ou orp.chiton., w€ ,016 v€ry g].d to ftnd !h omrsntt or thi. ropr.!6nr.d, bclna a eft, clo.6 gain6d _01d oFo'th ycllow Fir; p€rfooily rtln r.Fo parrtcuterty hpr..s.d ,tth lnc S.d.!.nd thc ottttng.
It ts I p16rlure to recMcd iila at6l rr tha bast tc hve cor6 1n contsot rlth, rnd rc nopa to ropcet af rcc@odrtloh on os n.xl_odcr-for Floortng and CctIlnS by apcol,fl_ ing Cantrcl CocI & Cokc C@any atoor.
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Monolith Sponsors Second Architectural Volume By Requa
Further development of an architectural style distinctive to the West and particularly adaptable to concrete and cement plaster construction is promised by the announce- 'omised ment of C. A. Low. vicepresident and general manager of the Monolith Portland Cement companl, that Richard S. Requa, nationally known architect. has iust embarked upon another oldworld research tour. '
Mr. Requa'will gather rfrore photographic studies and architectural data for the compilation of his second book, a sequel to
I/ice-President & General. Manager, his,,Architectural Details, Monolith companies' 'ip"ir and the Mediterranean." This work received such widespread favor last year, that two editions, published by the Monolith interests, were quickly exhausted.
Copies of the first book, made up of beautiful photographic art studies of old-world architecture especially adaptable to Western treatment, were distributed exclusively to accredited architects, technical schools and libraries.Its fame spread throughout the United States and even penetrated to foreign countries, according to Mr. Low, and a flood of requests were received for additional volumes.
Mr. Requa's book will not be completed for several months, Mr. Low stated, and will be distributed only to a selected list. as before,