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Two Important Announcements By Gerlinger of lDallas
Lcft-Model Four lVheel Steer Now On All Modets
IISF-I ; Right-Mod,el HSF-0. Note Small Sise of Latter.
Introduclng the Snallert Lunber Garrter Butlt
The pra_cticability and added ease of operation afforded by the 4-wheel steer is an accepted fact. Therefore Gerlinger now offers the 4-wheel steer on all models. (Two-whiel steer may still be had if desired.)
Slxifietio o ModelrllSF l, 2, 3, a ud 5
HSF f ,Lcyllnder
HSF 2, t, I ud 5 C-cyltndcrTRANSMISSION
Bm-Llpe, 4 qeeds fward ud revse. Drive cbain covered to protcct opdatc. lndepeodent reyers geu, DIFFERENTIAL Thka - Detroit
2s to io M. ". ".i3B"P*-a md reverc LOAD LIFTING DEVICE
Hy&auf,c llft Lqd lifrcd ud brod ln ,t eemdr SPRINGS
Two hcavlr tenpcred tH"HOr- cdb oa cqg:h mcr
Hervlr rchlced ttccl
2 largc lampr ln frot I ln rs. Tdl [ght ed stoEHt! ln raar.
She lght lrr frot udcr frme
I:rge etrog etering meJdl ckct jolntt, Wholr otrldc of frlmBErcvut d.mSG to lo.d
Scrvicc brakc; two largc extcmal breker sch ddc of dificrcntlal: orurScncy brake; oc atmal brake on drivc abaft
This.Gerlin-ger midget, the HSF-0, as the other models, has the 4-wheel steer, Brown-Lipe transmission, speed ol 25 to 39 M. q. H.,. fo-ur speeds forward, four speeds ier.rse, com- p.lete electrical and lighting equipment, hydraulic lifi, and the same lt_urdy frame construction that has always lifted Gerlinger Hydraulic Lumber Carriers above the ordinary carrler. the only difference in specifications is in the sizes as follows:
WHEEL BASE I fet I incher
LENGTH OF FRAME ? fGct t hchrg
"mnfif* !Ti"ll:
?-tnch culhtqi r.a.ttE$ rtdtn3-no rhctr to hrchlnG c rodwaye.
TURNING R.ADTUS l0 fet lnddq radlu wlth a wlthot load and zpith tuith our problem.
LVith a size carrier -for eaery need,, ranging from the mi.dget HSF-0 to the rnammoth H.tF-s, e.rclusiae features.that mahe Gerlinger Hydraulic Carrieri stand foremost among carriers, and udt isor5' and engineering servi,ce, we a,re now prepared to reaolutionize e zt e r I *anspoitation Inrluiries invited,