1 minute read
An l*portant developmenr in the door industry
I cnoue of lleading Douglas Fir door manufacrurers, ,( \ with a belief in the public's preference for a standardized trade-marked product, have perfeced an otganization known as the T(estern Door.Manufacnrrers' Association. Jhe purpose of this organization is to encouage and increase the use of Douglas Fir doors by the adoption of uniform grades and standards; by maintaining improved methods of manufacnrre;, to encoruage and asiist distributors and dealers though cooperative advertising, and by other lawful plans for the general development and improvement of marketing and manufacnrre.
The letters Sm on Douglas Fir doors, made by member mills of this Association, will provide architecti, dealers, builders and users with an always available glarlntee of quality. It means that the offcial inspectors of the \Testern Door Manufacturers' Association have inspected the manufacnue and grading of the product bearing this uade mark, and thatluch doors coniorm to the standard grades established by the Association. Copy of :&E E st"-ndnrd gj"{"g rules for Douglas Fir hoJsL and gange doors mailed upon request.