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Ralph Imhoff Entertains Los Angeles Millwork Group at Ojai
The Constitution of the Millwork Institute Branch at I os Angeles provides that once a year, following the election of officers, there be a social session devoid of all semblance of a business program. This year, on Monday, April 16, Mr. R. E. Imhoff, President of the Frank Graves Sash, Door & Mill Company, put on the party at the Ojai Valley Country Club.
The Ojai Club is sorne ninety miles distant from Los
The congeninl looking gentleman on the left is Charlie Miller, Pacific Door ond Soslr Co., Los Angeles. Charlie was the winner of the "high man" tnoney in the golf tournatnent, He had plenty of oppositi,on for the honor, eslecialb from Hank Diilesch, but he came through with flyi,ng colors.
Angeles, but nevertheless, thirty local millmen attended the celebration. Luncheon was served at noon on the veranda of the Club, after which most of Mr. Imhoff's guests indulged in 18 holes of golf. Even such of the association wheel-horses as Bill Leishman and Ed Nicholson, who have become golfing fans, were on hand with their rompers and clubs for a try at the prize money.
The Ojai course taxed the golfing technique of every player to the utmost, some of the boys particularly Charlie Miller and Hank Didesch, and even Frank Peil playing not only the 18 regulation holes, but about an equal number of canyons as well. Charlie carried off the "high man" money, taking ten strokes more to beat the 157 gross score of his nearest competitor, Hank Didesch. Charlie however, lost his side bet of 50 cents to Hank.
The distribution of prize money, and final scores, were as follows' l. Bill Laubender... ....83 6 77
2. Leo Rosenberg
3.Murraylmhoff ......105 24 81
4. Ralph Imhoff .......100 14 86
5. High Gross, Charlie Miller..167 40 tn During dinner, which was served at 7 :3O p.m:, and proved to be a banquet of exceptional excellence, there was considerabfe singing and speech-making of an informal character. Everyone had a jolly good time, and there were repeated cheers for Mine Host, Ralph lmhoff, and not a few "rawsberries" for some of the golferq.
C. E. DeCamp, vice-president of the Redwood Manufacturers' Co., returned recently to San Francisco from a business trip to Washington, D. C.
Mark D. Campbell, general sales manager of the rail department, of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., was in San Francisco recently on a short business trip. He returned to Portland, April 23.