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Riverside Portland Cement Department Act As Host To County Lumbermen
On the evening of April 12th. the Sales Department of the Riverside Portland 'Cement Company lassumed the role of host to all retail clealers in the Orange County and Whittier territory.
Prior to the clinner l.rour. the recreative facilities of the I os Angeles Athletic Club rvere placed at the disposal of :he guests. The game in rvhich all took an active interest however, was staged at sixty-thirty in one of the club's fourth floor dining rooms, u,here a delectable fried chicken dinner was serveci.
Imrnediately follorving the dinner, this group of potential cement salesmen was extended the further pleasure of a theatre party at the Orpheum. Those in aitendance on this very enjoyable occasion were:
Norman Macbeth, Jack Allen, W. H. Leonard, and W. 11._l{o_o_n!}, of the R-ir.erside Portland Cement Company; J. W. Heinecke and W. J. Barry of the Heinecke Lumber Company, San Clemente; E. L. Holly, Coast Line Lumber Company, Serra; Joe Prevost, Whitson Lumber Company, Tustin; E. R. Walker, San'Pedro Lumber Company, Yorba L.inda; A. E. Clark, Gibbs Lumber Companf Fullerton; Glen Merrill, Patten-Davies Lumber Company, Anaheim; John Stricklan_d, Patten-Davies Lumber Company, Fullerton; Ernest Ganahl-Grim Lumber Company, Anaheim; Frank Gibbs, Gibbs Lumber Company, Analeim; H. M. {dams, Adams-Borvers Lumber Company, Anaheim; J. R. Co[ins, Brown & Dauser Lumber Cbmfany, Brea;'4. R. E_nEarl, San Pedro Lumber Company, Whiftier; Aichard Nelson, Buena Park Lumber eompany, Buena park; Arthur Kelley and Les Briner, Brown & Dauret Lumbei
9oqp".ny, {qltego_1; Jo.hn lmith, Smith Lumber Company, La Habra; y..J. {righ.t, E. M. Smith Lumber Comiany, Anaheim; John Christiansen, Barr Lumber Combanv.
9range;_ Ray Binford, Whittier Lumber Comparryi L5i ]!!gtgr ; Leonard Steere, Barr Lumber Company, WhitUer; William Schultz, Barr Lumber Company, Norwalk; W. S: Spicer and R R Caldwell, Barr Luhber Company, Santa Ana; |.. A. Emison, Santa Ana Lumber Comiany, Santa Ana; Iaes]i_e Pearson, E. K. Wood Lumber Compaiy, Santa Ana; C, H. Chaptana g._H. Chapman Lumbei Compa.ry, Santa Ana; and E. Steffensen, Secretary of the Oia"ge Lumbermen's Club.
P. C. "Pete" McNevin, general sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, mad6 a hurried trip to the_ East_in the btter part of April,'visiting the Chi_ gago__a_nd_ New York ofifices of the company, and "also visit_ ing Washington, D. C.