1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told fot 2O years-Some less
Two on
the Scottish
The tide of Scotch stories is Jew, the Irish, and the colored seat, while the Scot stands in the story-telling limelight, and has his alleged economical characteristics made the butt of thousands of jokes. And lots of thenr are good ones. Ilere are the two best ones I've heard lately: constantly rising.The "Sandy," he said in dismay, "surely yer not wearing have had to take a back yer new shoes?"
"I am father," said Sandy.
"Great Heavens, Sandy, said the elder, "then take the longest steps ye can, laddie."
The Scot and his little boy were walking down road, and suddenJy the father noticed that the boy on his newest and best shoes.
Group Of Yards Takes Over Building And Loan Association
the had
The group of yards of which E. T. Robie is president has taken over the business of the Central California Building and Loan Association, and will operate this as a separate concern. The yards referred to are: Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn and Colfax; Davis Lumber Co., Davis; Dixon Lumber Co., Dixon; Loomis Lumber Co., Loomis, and Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland.
And then there is the one about the Scotchman who put rosiq on his children's fingers on the Fourth of July so that when they snapped their fingers it sounded like fire crackers.
Winfield Scott Talks At Meeting Of San Francisco Transportation Club
Winfield Scott, director of public relations for the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Western Division, was the speaker at the last meeting of the San Francisco Transportation Club, held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, April 11. Mr. Scott's talk which was illustrated by slides, was on the subject of the beauty spots of California, dealing mainly with that part of California made famous by Mark Twain and Bret Harte.