1 minute read
The Chas. C. Adams Lumber Company Have Attractive Yard at San Bernardino
The Chas. C. Adams Lumber Co. recently completed the construction of their new yard at San Beinardiiro, which is one of the most attractive retail lumber vards'in thc Southern California territory.
The yard is located at Biseline and I Street. It has a frolfg! of 7.3% feet, widening out in the back of the yard to 122 feet in width.- The company has its own private spur track on the main line of the Santa Fe Railwjv Svs. tem which runs along the side of the yard for AZ2 6et. The office building is 24 f.eet by 5O feet ind the interior of the office is very attractively arranged. It has a red tile floor, hardware and display rack, and in place of a safe they have a vault that had been constructed into the building. Opposite the office building is a modern sash and dodr room. Between the office building and the sash and door room, there is a wide concrete driveway that leads into the shed and yard. Adjoining these buildings there is a large and spacious shed which houses the moulding rack, hardwood flooring and the upper grades of lumber. Chas. C. Adams, the owner- of lhis progressive lumber concern has been connected with the retail lumber business in San Bernardino for the past year. He has been associated with the lumber business ior the past twenty years and formerly operated a retail yard at Winnewood, Ot tahoma, where he was associated with his father, J. S. Adams. Just a year_ago, Mr. Adams bought the Independent Lumb-er Qo. at San Bernardino. A short time lafer, he bought the site where his new yard is now located and started c6n: struction of his present plant. Mr. Adams is an active member of Hoo Hoo and over the entrance to the yard, you will note from the accompanying photograph that itre giacL Cat occupies a very prominent pbsition. -During the construction of the buildings, Mr. Adams made a special efiort to see that the beautiful trees in front of the vafd were Dreserved which also makes an added and important feature to the attractiveness of his vard.