3 minute read
$an Francisco Lumbermen Stage Successful Golf ournament; J. A. Stroud, Jr., Wins Low Gross
I Thirty-six lumbermen, undeterred by the date, Friday, April 13, teed off in the San Francisco Lumbermen's Golf
Tournament, held at the Presidio Golf Club. The entry list would have been much bigger but for the fact that many golfers had to leave the city on that day to attend the big meeting of the three Valley clubs at Merced, April 14.
All branches of the lumber industry were represented however, and the tournament was an unqualified success.
Two well known pioneers of the industry were among the prize winners, J. H. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., winning first low net prize in Class B, and Homer T. Hayward, Salinas, winning third loiv net prize in Class A.
Visiting players from outside points were: Jim Brown, Hoo Hoo Snark of the Universe, Spokane; Jo Shepard and C. G. Chipchase, who came all the rvay from Sacramento; C. H. Griffin, Salinas, and D. Z. Thorning, Redwood City.
W. M. "Bill" Beebe act'ed as starter and scorekeeper. Bill has not played any golf for the last two years, but held many championships in his long golfing career. He plays from scratch, and may be among those present in the next tournament.
, The tournament, which was sponsored by the Douglas / f'lr Club, rvas followed by a dinner at the club house at I 7 o'clock. at which there was an attendance of 41. This
I was a very enjoyable affair.
Russell 'f. Gheen, C. D. Johnson Lttmber Co., was toastruraster. He called on J. Walter Kelly, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. to give tl're address of rvelcome, rvafning him that no speech was to exceed two minutes. Frank O'Connor and Hugh Handley also made two-minute speeches, and C. C. Stibich amused the party with a few good stories.
The two minute rule was relaxed by the toastmaster when he called on James M. Brown of Spokane, Snark of the ljniverse, for a five-minute talk.
The speaker told of the plan that trad been worked out for co-operation between Hoo Hoo Clubs and 'officers of the Order throughout the country, and the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, in spreading the goSpel of wood.
Fred Roth, Supreme Bojum, also made a few remarks, and Hugh Handley, chairman of the prize committee, annouhced the names of the prize winners.
The low gross prize, a handsome pigskin bag, was won by John A. Stroud. This was presented to the winner by Jirn Hall, rvho arranged for the tournament to be played at the Presidio Club.
Ted Higgins presented the low net prizes in Class A. First prize, silver flask, given by the Hardwood Club of San Fiancisco, won by Louis Stewart; second prize, musical silver shaker, Harry Vincent, and third prize, traveling clock, Homer T. Hayward, Salinas.
Harry Vincent presented the low net prizqs in Class B. First piize, a smolier's cabinet, won by J' H. Holmes; Seconcl piize, Redwood Candy Box, given by The Pacific Lumber Co., rvon by Garnet Fraser, C. & A. R. R. Co., and third prize, $10.00 merchandise order, won by Norman Vincent.
Huglt Hql.dl.y rvon the Booby prize, after a tie between himself, Eddie Peggs and Russell-Gheen.
Ties occurred in both .low _net classes ; for first place in Class A, and for second in Class B, and th.."*"r. settled in the usual manner.
Moving pictures of lhe Dempsey-Tunney fight, and slow motion pictures of Bobbv Jones in action rierJshown. This
Didesch Holds Classes At Bakersfield And San Diego
Continuing his program of instruction classes throughout California in the use of Standard Sash & Door Schedule No. 128, Managing Director Didesch of the Millwork Institute, on Wednesday afternoon, March 21, conducted a class at Bakersfield for the retail lumbermen of that district. Follorving the class the Schedule was officially adopted by the district.
On the evening of March 26, tr{r. Didesch held a class for the San Diego millwork and lumber operators. This class rvas the largest bf its kind to date, there being a turnout of u'ell over 150 executives. estimators and salesmen. The San Diego Branch of the Institute has now adopted Schedule No. 128 as its official pricing medium for sash and doors.
I;rom teft to right-Rus';l!;"li;;;"irunh o'Connor, Henry Faurr, part of the entertainment program rvas much appreciated. -The following players took part in the tournament in addition to priz_e winners mentioned above: F. J. O'Connor, James L. Hall, Chas. Wilson, J. Walter tcelty, Russeli Gheen, F. L. Dettmann,.C. lt. Grifiin, G. R. Bieecker, J. P. lggg., Al_Kaufman, Al Nolan, J. E. Higgins, Jr., H. fi'. Faull, Col. W. T. Andrews, Roy E. Hitts, II]S. i"hornpron. p. $-. nacMahon, Rudolph Groos, Roberi S. Norton,'Freci !. _llolmes, F. S. Murpliy, F..A. Warner, Fred palmer, E. G. "Dave" _Davis, D. Z. Thorning, Jo Shepard, C. G. Chip- chase and James M. Brorvn.