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hspcatad r&dcr tbo hwr of CallfomtrSouthern OFcc
3an Fnncirco il&r9-20 CENTRAL s-uilDtNt, Los {vcel_Es, cAL._ TELqPHpNE VArdlkc {555 C-.i-lg-."u"---C"Ut. entcrca aJS-cila---ctas'na*-r Scptc-ubcl' u, -lg-? rt -thr-P^ortoffio tt w. r. BracK r' c' Dt@!'' ""'H.ffiT';Ji'{Hffi'"":rrH{f-".|1T: Jr' socv' 'u illlH,"'*"i*' bt Angclce, Crllfrate, und.r Act of Mucb $ ffrl. .lubr-cription Pricc, gz.lXl pcr Ycer LOS ANGELES, CAL., MAy l, lg2g ^"lTtillit$# Sti"t" C""t.., 5 . tnll-F"a'nc n-t-.rt
How Lumber Looks
Douglar Fir Gargo. The We* Coast lumber indurtry continues [o be in i itrong poaition with average orderr, and for the firct rixteen weeks of the year are 9.44 per cent above average broduction, the Wett Coast Lumbertnents Asrociation reports under date of April27. Fricee continue firrn in alt marletr with increared ordere noted in the rail and dbmeetic cargo tradec, and inventories are low.
The C,alifornia market continues good and pricer are firmUnrold stocks on the docks at San Pedro totaled 7,534'OOO feet on April 24; this was a slight decrease as compared with two wee&i ago.- There are fewer boatr tied up than for rerreral -onth", at the prerent time 24 -lumber--vesseb are laid up and 3 ire operating ofr-rhore.- The millr are turn' ing d;wn coneiderable spedal cutting busin6s. No. 2 and
N;. 3 com,nron boards ana aimen"ion are rtrong in pqcg at the mitls and in sood demand. No. 2 and No. 4 vertical grain flooring are iarticularty stro1g and during the past
*"ef fqo. 4 made an advancc in price. -p""gt"" Fir Rail. Prices are firm and-unclanged. No' 2 and NJ. 3 boardr are Yery rcaice and pricet are rtrong' Mill *ocks are low.
-D"Gi- fir cargo arriv.alc at lan Francisco for the month
"f M"rit totded-43,O65,O00 fe€t. Cargo receiptr at San Pedro for March amouted to 87r481r0OO feet. - -fno" are no changer in the lath and rhingle rnarkets' Prices remain firm.
- n.a*""a. Tbe demand continuea ratirfactory and pricer
J. W. THOMPSON VISITS SAN FRANCISCO 4 are firrn. Low grade corrmonE are in,vepy good {ernand.' Cargo arrivals it Strr Fianciaco for the month of Marcb i"Li"a i7,13o,Ooo f""t. Cago- re-ceiptr at San Pedro for March totaled 5'923'OOO feet.- Mill stocke continue lorv' -'CJf"rti"lilfiit" and Sugar Pine. Pricer are firm' Th9 *i* i"*d is very so;d attd a heavy volumg of-buri;;;ti" ""-l"g from the mitl*ork plants. White fir dimbn*"i i" in goo-d demand throughout the Mddle Wert' -ir****s
The National Lumber Manufacturerc Association -repgrlq U" F"Ui*itJ -ftrr"oa and hardwood statisticd for the frrit i6 -e"k" o{1929, based on regional association reports: -' --W"J C"*t Lumbermen'c Association. Productig+- 2'65i:a-o;6,ob0 -fJ ; Shipments, 2,M5,619,o0o feet; Ordere' 2,8411952,@O feet.
-t€_Ja;i; Redwood .Asrociation. Production' 1!!'Q{!'OOO t*t; Sfipments, 108,66o'000 feet; Orderr' l2lr944r' 000 feet. --C.f*-"-i. White and Sugar Pine. Producion, 2?3,1 7t60-f; ; Shipments, 422,839,@0 f eet ; Orden,. 422,= 726rdJ,O feeL ' --$"th; Fine Ascociation. Production, 1,O49'45LOOO fJ; S[ip-""ts, lrOg4r259,OOO feet; Ordbrs' 111451624,' O0O feet.--ff. iaA hardwood morrement for the first sixteen weeks "f th. i-t i" as follows: Production 81Q'1?1'^999 ft*; 5[iptr".:t", 848,923,q)'O feet ; Orders, 870,33 l'Ofi) feet.
The Pomona valley Lumber company has recently been ti"'; ;i irr.'crrj.."il. Mccormick Lumber co., with head- I organized by H: -G sl.afer, J' Fred Nutter and charles quarteqs at port c"-rL,-*"r a iecent visitor io san Fran- go-""Ji*" 'at 1286 Fifth 'A,r"nue, Pomona, cal' Mr' cisco, when he spent a few days at th" "o-p""y's head St;};; wis the former owner of the Chino Lumber Com: office. 'L o ruvv uqi'e qL t^r' p""y, n4t. Nutter formerly represented the Weaver-Henry ho.'n"g Materials Compahy at that location, and- the new sAN JosE 1u1neERM;-N oN noRTHwEsr rRrp ;;;;;y rvill handle ttsti'products. f\{r. Bonadiman is a
I. w. Thompson,-;;g*-;ittt" pos"i- Str"a-"p.t*'1
J. H. McElroy, McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose, .i"ii'""iin".r and has beeti connected with the Los Seris m,aking an automobile trip to the pacific Northivest, i"ttos c6.trtry club for the past two years' All three men combining business ;;;'pl.;;t".- rr. ""p".ir to !o as fai will be actively connected with the new enterprise' as vancouver' B' c'
JOHN OLSON ON ARIZONA TRIP _ / Encin{ Lo-dge_of Oddfellows, Alameda, enjoyed the film John Ofton,districi_man** pi the Chas. R. McCormick ( of The Pacific- Lumber Company, showing in detail the Lumber Company at Los Angeles, i, otr " toiiness trip to tutn6.t and logging operationl of the jo.mp3"I: exhibited Arizona where tt. *ifi rp""a"se',reial days. to them at a meeting on the evening of' Aptil?4'