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Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Hold Annual at Del Monte
Jerry Sullivan, Jr. Elected President
At the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Association, held at Del Monte, California, on Friday and Saturday, April 19 and,N, Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Sulli* van Hardwood Co., San Diego, was elected president for the coming year. Roger Sands, Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Seattle, \Mash., was elected vice-president, and C. R. Taenzer, American Hardwood Co., Los Angeles, was elected secretary-treasurer.
The following were elected to serve as directors: J. Fyfe Smith, J. Fyfe Smith Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.; E. E. Hall, Emerson Hardwood Co., Portland, Oregon; George H. Brown, G. H. Brown Hardwood Co., Oakland; W. Thornton White, White Brothers, San Francisco; LeRoy H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, I-os Angeles; Al Frost, Frost Hardwood Co., San Diego.
The meeting was called to order on Friday morning, April 19, in the Copper Cup Room of the Del Monte Hotel by President LeRoy I{. Stanton. .During the morning session C. Harry White, White Brothers, San Francisco, addressed the meeting on the problems of the hardwood lumber dealers on the Pacific Coast, and D. J. Cahill, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, gave an interesting talk on the increasing need of cooperation between competitors. Bert Beless, E- J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, gave an informative talk on the cost of operating a wholesale hardwood lumber yard.
J. Fyfe Smith made a motion, which was seconded by William Davis, that a vote of thanks be given Messrs. White, Cahill and Beless for their very interesting talks which proved beneficial to the whole group.
'A silent vote of sympathy over the loss of Mr. E. E.
Taenzer was taken by the convention, and a motion was passed that the Association draft a note of sympathy to Mrs. Taenzer.
Henry Swafford, J. E. Higgins, Jr., and J. Fyfe Smith were appointed by President Stanton to act as members of the nomination Committee. President Stanton appointed the following to serve on the golf committee: Ray Anderson, Roger Sands and J. E. Higgins, Jr.
The G. H. Brown Hardwood Co. of Oakland was voted membership in the asociation.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to a general discussion of matters of importance to the hardwood business.
Friday Afternoon
The golf tournament was held Friday afternoon over the Del Monte course. Howell Baker, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, and Ray Anderson, General Plywood Co., Seattle, were the prize winners and were presented with loving cups. About twenty of the hardwood dealers participated in the tournament.
Friday Evening
The annual banquet was held on Friday evening. Following the banquet: Kenneth Smith, secretary of The Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles; Wm. H. Lodge, secretary of the Hardwood Dealers Club of the San Francisco Bay District; Geo. Cornwall, The Timberman, Portland; S. M. Thomas, secretary of the Southern California Hardwood Credit Dealers Association I and Henry Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, addressed the (Continued on Page 12)
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