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Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Annual
(Continued from Page 10) gathering. J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco, acted as toastmaster.
Saturday Morning
At the Saturday rnorning session, Henry Kirchman, Kirchman Hardwood Co., San Francisco, gave an interesting talk on Philippine hardwoods and Roy Barto, Cad- wallader-Gibson Inc., Los Angeles, spoke on conditions in the Philippine Islands. George Cornwall, The Timberman, Portland, Oregon, also addressed the meeting.
E. E. Hall, Emerson Hardwood Co., Portland, Oregon.
C. Harry White, White Brothers, San Francisco.
W. Thornton White, White. Brothers, San Francisco.
William Davis, Davis Hardlvood Co., San Francisco.
J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lbr. Co., San Francisco.
Homer Maris, H. B. Maris Panel Co., San Francisco.
E. A. Hutchings, Richards Hardwood Co., San Francisco.
Robert Kahn, Forsyth Hardwood Co., San Francisco.
Bert Bryant, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland.
George Broln, G. H. Brown Hardr,vood Co., Oakland.
Henry Kirchman, Kirchman Hardrvood Co.. San Fran.
D. J. Cahjll, Western Hdwd. Lbr. Co., l.os Angeles.
F. J. Connolly, Western Hdwd. Lbr. Co., Los Angeles.
Leroy H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
Henry Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
James Cline, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
Bert Beless, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
Grover Gearhart, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
Clarence Bohnhoff, C. W. Bohnhoff, Los Angeles.
Howell Baker, Califoinia Panel & Veneer Co., L. A.
Harry V. Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co., L. A.
Ray Ford, Cadwallader Gibson Co., Inc., Los Angeles.
Roy Barto, Cadwallader Gibson Co., Inc., Los Angeles.
The convention unanimously voted to hold the 1930 convention at Del Monte.
The following attended the meeting:
J. Fyfe Smith, J. Fyfe Smith Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. Roger Sands, Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Seattle, Wash. Ray Anderson, General Plywood Co., Seattle, Wash.
Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club
The regular monthly luncheon meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club was held at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, on Saturday, April 20. President I. E. Brink presided.
R. T. Titus, field representative for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash. addressed the meeting on grade segregation. He also spoke on the lumber survey that he is now carrying on for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association to determine the consumption and distribution of lumber in California during the past year, Dn.
Following a general discussion by the members on matter of grade segregation, the Club voted to adopt American Lumber Standards on July 1.
Alturas Gets New Yard
A lumber yard will be opened shortly at Alturas by the Big Pines Lumber Co. of Medford, Oregon.
C. J\{. Cooper, W. E. Cooper l,umber Company, L. A.
J. P. Ahearn, Nashville Hardwood Co., Portland, Ore.
Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Sullivan Hardwood Co., San Diego.
Kenneth Smith, The l,umber Dealers Association of L. A.
Geo. Cornlvall, The Timberman, Portland, Oregon.
Wm. H. Lodge, Hardrvood Dealers Club of San Francisco Bay District, San Francisco.
S. M. Thomas, So. California Hardwood Credit Dealers Assn., I-os Angeles.
To Make Survey of California Lumber Consu mption for 1928
R. T. Titus, field representative for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash., is making a market survey of the lumber consumption in California f.or 1928,. He is making the survey in cooperation with the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and the Millwork Institute of California. The manufacturers want to get a picture of lumber conditions in California so that they can better cooperate with the lumber dealers and the rvood using in- dustries. Mr. Titus rvill spend about two months in Cali fornia.
Los Angeles Sheathing Ordinance
There will be a special hearing before the Los Angeles City Council on May 20 for a discussion of the proposed sheathing ordinance. The meeting rvill be held at 10 a.m. in the council chamber at the City Hall.