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Three Things to Sell
The salesman has no easv iobOr so it seems to me, He's got to sell three things before He makes a sale, you see. Now, two things that he's got to sell No customer will buy; I'm sure that I could never be A salesman, if I'd try.
A salesman, first, must sell himself, To woman, man, or maid; He's got to win their confidence Before he makes a trade. Ife's got to. know his customers And meet them on their ground; That calls for good psy,chol.ogy And.other things profound.
The salesman next must sell his firm; The buyer wants to know The firm will back its salesman up Before he says, "I'll go." Its policy he wants to know, Its will to see things thru, Its standing and its honesty, Its brand of service too.
And third, the salesman has to sell The thing he's sent to sell; If he has sold himself and firm, It's rather safe to tell, That he will sell the thing he wants The customer to buy; But I could never, never be, A salesman' if I'd ttla. u"rriam conner.
C. E. Helms, first vice-president of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a 1G day business trip to the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Helms visited the company's mills at Port Gamble and Port Ludlow, and the Portland and Seattle offices.
F. K. Prescott
F. K. Prescott, pioneer lumberman of Fresno, died on April 10 while attending service at the First Presbyterian Church, Fresno.
OFFICES: Hcrd Oficc 6lt Metron Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO
Mr. Prescott was born in New Hampshire 78 years ago, and came to Fresno in 1883. Wi'th his wife's brother, C. S. Pierce he started the Prescott & Pierce Lumber Co., which later branched into the Valley Lumber Co. and C. S. Pierce I-umber Co., lVlr. Prescott remaining with the Valley Lumber Co.
2til Chrmbcr of Comncrcc . Bldg.
PORTLAND-:Prcific Bldc.
SEATTLE-{aI Whit. Blds.
He is surv,ived by two sons, E. M. and F. Dean Prescott; four grandchildren, Philip james and Frank K. Prescott, Mrs. Robert Kimble, Jr. of Berkeley, and Miss Martha Prescott, also a great grandson, Robert Kimble, III.
He was formerly a director of the Fresno Chamber of Commerce; and helped to organize the People's Savings Bank, and also helped to organize the Fresno Republican.