2 minute read
Termite Investigations Committee Meet at Los Angeles
I. Ll/'alter Kclly ,9 ecretary-Treasurer
T cr mite Inztestigations Committee
The general committee meeting of the Termite Investigations Committee was held in the Assembly Room, Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, Wednesdav evening, April 17.
Follorving the <linner, A. A. Bror,vn, San Francisco, associated r'vith the California-Hawaiian Sugar Refining Co. and the Matson Navigation Co., and chairman of the Termite Investigations Committee, presided over the business sessions of the meeting.
Dr. C. A. Kofoid, University of California, chairman of the Biology committee, referred to the circular by Professor S. F. Light distributed at the meeting and which presents a brief description of the termites, their habits, and the damage they do. He stated that the circular is a contribution from the committee: 15,000 copies are to be sent to the farmers in California while 15,000 copies are to be reserved for the committee. Dr. Kofoid also discussed briefly the termite situation in the state.
Professor S. F. Light, {Jniversity of California, r'icechairman of the Biology committee, gave the salient points of the committee program and rvhat has been done to date. The program as -outlined includes : preliminary survey- kinds of termites, distribution, abundance and economic importance; movements of termites-investigation, is there termite invasion ? steps to prevent invasion; termite habits and life histories ; facts governing distribution and activity; conditions leading to attach; statistical damage as to the extent of termite damage; data as to increase of damage. Professor Light also reported on the field investigations that have l:een carried on in the various sections of the state and in Arizona.
Dr. Merle Randall, University of California, reported on the progress of the work carried on by the chemical com- mittee. Dr. Randall stated that the organization work of the chemical committee is norv practically completed and the investigations of the chemical problems are .1ror,v under way. Thomas C. Doody has been employed as chemical engineer for the Termite Investigations Committee to carry on the work of the proposed program. He has established and is now equipping a laboratory in the entomology building at the tlniversity of California.
The committee on chemistrv-. Dr. Randall stated. has set for its goal a "1>erfect rvood-piesertative." The properties sought for this substance are as follows: a. The preservative must resist ageing and weathering conditions. b. A single type of tunderground or above treated wood should be suitable for ground construction. the preservatil'e must be plentiful 'rvill not grow out of reason on in- a. It should take ancl retain a surface of paint or similar material. a. Harmless to workmen treating or working the vi'ood. b. Harmless to people coming in daily contact in homes, buildings, or with wood products.
1. The preservative must make wood impervious or immune to decay or attack by all types of termites or other insects.
2. It should not impair the mechanical strength of the rvood or lessen its normal resistance to decay.
3. The preserved wood must have permanence.
4. The materials of and cheap so the costs creased demand.
5. The method required for application must be cheap and simple, or at least adaptable to modern rvood preserving machinery.
6. The preservative must not make the 'rvood a conductor of electricity.
7. The wood, after treatment, must not be corrosive or have a disagreeable odor.
8. The preservative should not increase the inflammability of the wood.
9. It must be non-injurious to human life.
Walter Putnam, building official for Pasadena, gave an informative talk on the various Drovisions necessarv for the prevention of termites. A. L.'Pickens, field biologist for the committee, talked on the habits of the subterranean terrnites, the results of his various inspections in Southern California, and the remedies to prevent termites.
The treasurer's report was read by J. Walter Kelly, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco. and secretarvtreasrlrer of the committee.
An exhibit showing the rvork play at the meeting. The next rvill be held during the first two on of the termites was on dismeeting of the committee weeks in September.
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