3 minute read
was it reception? was it tonal quality? . . was it because it could reach out and get the distant stations) Important factors, yes, but that famous name it bears, so closely associated with radio ever since its beginning, was the main determining factor.
Just as it is in practically everything we buy, there must be a reputation established for quality before we can buy with confidence. We haven't time to experiment with products of unknown value and quality, and lumber is no exception.
Dealers everywhere, who are selling their trade C. C. & C. C. Kiln Dried Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir are finding this out to their own profitable advantage. Their best trade likes it.
Santa Fe Lumber Company
(A. J. "Gus" Russell)
Distributors in California and Arizona
Coast Counties Lumbermen ,/ Meet at Watsonville
In "Robbins" Flooring you are assured of the very 6nest that has gver been, or ever will be produced. Ou r geographical localion, the modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men- who make our fooring, all go to make this statemenlpoqst4.. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the begt.
Soutbcra Glifornir
53ll-0 Pctrolcum Sccuritict Bld3. Lor An3clcr WErtrnorr 9055
Northcrn Glifornir:
Mcrchratr Erchrn3c Bld3, Sen Freacirco
Catifornia Redwood
t/ L. M. Tynan, Tynan Lumber Co., Salinas, presided at the dinner meeting of Coast Counties lumbermen held at the Hotel Appleton, Watsonville on Monday evening, April 15.

Harry A. Lake, Garden Grove, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, R. T. Titus, West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Seattle. and Paul E. Overend, California Retail Lumbermen's Association, San Francisco, were guests of the evening.
M. D. Bishop, Watsonville, secretary of the association, presented his report.
H. A. Lake spoke on the progress being made by the State Association, which now has 275 members, and pointed out the advantages to be gained by whole hearted support of the State Association.
R. T. Titus discussed the work he is doing in California in making a survey of the various species of wood sold in the state.
Paul Overend, field representative of the State Association, talked on the subject of local group organization in the northern part of the state.
Short talks were also given by the following: George Wood, Wood Bros., Santa Cruz'; J. O. Handley, Murphy Building Materials, Carmel; Herman Herwig, Watsonville; Sam B. M'oore, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas; J, A. Greenelsh, P. C. Coal Co., San Luis Obispo; Bert Atkinson, Builders' Supply Co., Gilroy, alrd H. A. Prince. Tynan Lumber Co., Monterey.
California Building and Loan Associations Show Gains
Total resources of the 224 California building and loatr associations increased $1C6.570,973 or 34 per cint during the year ended March 31, last, and, $36,244,149 or 9.39 per cent during the first quarter of. 1929, according to figures released yesterday by the California Bui,lding-Loan League. This represents a record growth for any year or quarterly period in the history of the movement placing California as the most consistent and rapidly growing building and loan state in the nation. Combined assets as of March 31, last, were W22,347,186
The thirty-five Los Angeles associations with aggregate assets of $109,461,161 continue to lead the cities of the state with more than 25 per cent of the total. The twentythree San Francisco institutions advanced to second place with assets of. $5O,@5,774. It is noteworthy that every section and city of the state scored large gains during the past year.
Combined assets of the ten leading building and loan cities of the state as reported to Commissioner George S. Walker as of March 31, last follow: Los Angeles; $1@;461,- 161; San Francisco, $50,@5,774; San Jose, $44.117,416; Long Beach, $35,659,749; Pomona, $20,223,O89; Oakland, $12,344;lfl6; Pasadena, $11,749,558 ; Santa Barbara, $11,504,439; Stockton, $11,300 775 ; San Diego, $9,328,153 ; Balance of State, $106,562,886; total $422,347,186.
Order Your Copy Now
A new edition of the Redwood Mountain Cabin Book in Rotogravure will be off the press June 1. This will con, tain designs for mountain cabins, seashore cottages, highway refreshment stands and gas stations.
Sample copy may be obtained on request by any lumber dealer, and books will be available in quantities at 15 cents a copy, from the California Redwood Association, 24 California St., San Francisco.
Portland, Oregon
Car and Cargo Shipments
Mills-Pecific Spruce Corporation Capacity-400,0(X) feet per 8-hour shift.
Ships--S. S. Robert Johnson, S. S. C. D. Johnson III.
Specier-Old Growth Yellow Fir and Sitka Spruce

Termite Investigations Committee
(Continued from Page 16)
The following registered at the meeting: