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Atizona Lumbermen Wilt Hold Annual at Nogales
John H. Wood Presid'ent Lumbermen's Club ol Arizorw
The twelfth annual convention of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona will be held at Nogales, Arizona, on May 17, 18, and 19. The Montezuma llotel will be the Club headquarters.
President John $. Wood will call the meeting to order on Friday, NIay 17, at 10:00 A.M. The business sessions will be tritd at Fireman's Hall. The following will address the convention: P. G, Spillsbury, president Atizona Industrial Congress; R. F. Hammatt, San Francisco, SecretaryManager,-California Redwood Association; Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles, Secretary, The Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles; Sylvester 'Weaver, Los Angeles, \MeaverHenry Coiporation; and A. C. Horner, San Francisco, Western Manager, National Lumber Xfanufacturers Association. Mr. llorner lvill exhibit the movie-"The Transformation't-in the convention hall and also in the local theaters.
On Friday evening, there will be a banquet for the Hoo Hoo members, which will be followed by a state-wide con-
'/ Builders' Supply Company, Gilroy, have just about com1;leted construction of their new lumber yard and store. finished this will be one of the best of its kind in the Coast territorv.
catenation. The concat rvill be in charge of Albert Stacy, Bassett Lumber Co., Douglas. Arizona, r'icegerent snark o{ the Border District. The ritual rvork will be put on by the Phoenix Hoo Hoo team. Chas G. Rird, Stockton, Calif., supreme custocatian, will be Present. Parson Simpkin has been invited to attend.
Saturday morning, May 18, there rvill be a closed meeting for the Club members. The order of business will include the report of secretary-treasurer Robert V. Baker, int19cluction of resolutions, and an address by Kenneth Smith, together with discussions regarding other association business. One of the major subjects to be discussed at this session will be trade-,and grade-marked lumber.
On Saturday evenihg, the annual dinner dance will be held in old l\fexico. Sunday, May 19, the committee has arranged for a golf tournament and they anticipate a large list of entries for this event.
Secretary Baker advises that a large number o{ California lumbermen have already sent in their reservation and will attend the convention.
Pickering Purchases Timbers For Alturas Mill
Construction of the new mill of the Pickering Lumber Cornpany at Alturas is norv rvell under rvay. Purchase rvas recently made of 1,500,000 feet of Fir timbers to be used in this work.