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Fletcher L. Walker Heads Arrangement Committee

Tlle Westwood, Cal., Hoo IIoo club has started making preparations for the third annual ontdoor concatenation, which is to be held at Fall River, Shasta County, California, on June 15th and 16th.

Fletcher L. "Cub" Walker has been made general chairma1, of arrangements, and rvith his committee consisting of Herbert Smith, Charles Baptie, Archie Allen and Vicegerent Snark Jervel.D. Lorve, promises to prlt on a bigger and better outing than the one last year. I,vhich was &rtainly a huge success.

A baseball game, band concert, dance, ancl several other entertainment features are scheduled in adclition to the c,oncat; and J. A. Shere reports there are plenty of fish in the streams.

All the roads to Fall River are in fine shape and there will be plenty of prepared food, but hotel accommodations are somervhat limited. so make your reservations early ancl avoid any disappointment; however camping facilities are splendid and a great , many members ahvays take along their own tents and other camping e<luipment.

4(jng Lumber Co. Building Modern Plant at Wasco

The King Lumber Company at \Masco, Cal., recently acq_uired a block of land 10Ox40O feet and is installing oire of th.e_ most complete building plants in that vicinity-, rvhich will include a new up-_to-date lumber yard, building supply store, and modern oflice and display rooms. Tliere -rviil also be installed a plan service for prospective home builclers, rvho r,vill have access to hundreds of sets of plans so that they may see from actual photographs, just horv their homes rvill look rvhen completed, and a complete stock of builders hardrvare, paint and electrical appliances.

The King Lumber Company, rvith its main office ancl y_ards in Bakersfield, operates yards throughout Kern County and has just pr.rt in a netv yard at Corcoran, Cal.


^ Perry A._Dame. Western sales manager of the Creo-Dipt Company, fnc., sailed April 19, from San Francisco, on the Dollar Line steamer President Hayes, for Honolulu on a business trip.

Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles have been extensively used in the Hawaiian Islands for manv years.

N[r. Dame expects to be away abolt four weeks.

Philippine Hardwoods

The Demand now Exceeds the Supply

What more can be said regarding the popularity of these woods)

Manufactured and Impo*"d by F'INDLAY

Pbone Keamy 388

Office and Mills at Manila, Kolambugen and Milbuk, Philippine Islands

Salee Office: 910 Central BldS. Los Angeler

W. G. SCRIM, U. S. Repreaentative

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