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John A. Stroud Enters Stock and Bond Business
John A. Stroud, for the last five or six years with the E. J. Dodge Co., San Francisco, manufacturers of Redwood, is leaving the lumber business on May 1, to become associated with Sutro & Company, stock brokers, San Francisco.
In addition to being one of the most popular lumbermen in the San Francisco Bay district Mr. Stroud will always be rernembered as one of the University of California's great football stars. He played football for California from 19@ to 1912, and was Captain in 1912. He was afterwards graduate manag'er, and while holding this position went East and secured the services of the late Andy Smith, famous football coach.
It is also interesting to recall that Mr. Stroud toured Europe as a member of the University of California Glee Club in 1912, and that when in London the club was entertained by Herbert Hoover at his home there.
Built-in-Fixture Co.
Rearranges Sales Territory
In line with their expansion program .and to give additional service to their Pacific Coast dealers, the Built-In Fixture Co. of Berkeley, California, has rearranged its sales territory and reorganized its sales force.
Lee Walker, field supervisor of the company, is at present in Southern California. He expects to go from there to Arizona to open that state as a new district to be operated out of Los Angeles. During the three months he will be away, he will also visit dealers in Western Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
The Southern California territory has been divided: the Los Angeles suburban territory rvill be handled by Jimmie Chase, while Lewis Clark will be looking after the Los Angeles metropolitan market. Earl W. Smith will cover the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, Northern California and Southern Oregon as far as Grants Pass. Jerry Jermark, who formerly covered Northern California, will norv intensify his efforts on the district adjacent to the San Francisco Bay and as far south as Kings City.
Our Specialties
Vertical Grain Flooring
Vertical or Mixcd Grain Finirh
Vertical Grain Stepping
Thick V. G. Clear K. D. Factory Stocl Vertical Grain Shop
AII made ftom the linast ol OLD GROWTH DOUGLAS FIR of soft tcxture, dried in strictly modcrn dry kilor llillr: Reymond, Werhin6on