1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less
BankefizinS the Farm
The First Vice President of the big city bank had arrived to visit on the farm, and was talking to the farmer, who had evidently had some experience with city banks'
"I suppose that young man over there near the barn, is one of your hired men?" said the banker.
"Not at ill", replied the farmer. "He's our Second Vice President in charge of barns and buildings' And that other young rnan just driving up is our Third Vice President, he has charge of plowing and planting. Our Fourth
Redwood for Arkansas Brid$es
W. L. Hook, structural engineer of the California Red*ood Arro.iati,on, has succeecled in getting an order -plac-ed with one of the mills for 14O,00O feet of Redwood for the construction of two bridges by the Arkansas state highway department, near Heber Springs, Ark'
Vice President is out just now. fle's in charge of harvesting. Our Fifth Vice President is down in the barn rigtrt now, He's in charge of cows, hogs, and chickens"'
"Hmm", mused the Banker, who suspected he was being kidded. "And who is that tall young man leading that vicious looking animal?"
"That", replied the farmer, "is our Bull Specialist' Of course you will readily guess his title. He's the FIRST VICE PRESIDENT".
S. V. FullwtY, Jr. Secretary
W€stern Pine Association
S. V. Fullaway, Jr., has resigned his position as district manager of the Nitional Lumber Manufacturers' Association ?t Portland to become secretary-manager of the Western Pine Manufacturers' Association, succeeding A, W. Coopei' who has resigned after 18 years' service'
For Your Requirementr in make contact wit[ us. Co'mplete stockr of CLEARS, SELECTS and COMMONS for prornpt rhipment.
We opcrate our own Venccr Mill and DrY Kilns.
We Specidizc in Direct Mill Shipmenb.