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Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. Make Changes in Sales Department
-_fh..following_ changes were recently announced by the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company:
^ S. P.- J9hns, Jr--, who has been sales manager of the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co. since 1918, will go to Long- view as sales manager for the new Weyerhieuser mil'is there.
Gene Reynolds who has been connected with the Weyer- haeuser Sales Co. at Spokane, will go to Snoqualmie Falls as sales manager.
The company will establish a central sales office in the Tacoma Building, Tacoma. This office will handle all orders for the Weyerhaeuser Fir mills, and J. E. Morris will be in charge.
C. H. Shary, who has been connected with the company in Everett f.or L2 years, will go to the Tacoma office and will handle all ordqrs for watei shipment.
Pine Association Will Publish Joint Grading Rules
The Grading Rules Committee of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association and the Western Pine Manufacturers Association at a meeting held at Bend, Qregol, on. April 16, aqthorized the immEdiate publica- tion of a joint set of grading rules which previously had been approved at the general meetings of each association.
These rules will become efiective, July 1, 1929, and supersede the current rules of the two associations. -
Cop-ies of the new rule books may be procured from the offices of either the California White & Sugar pine Manufacturers Association at San Francisco or tfie Western Pine Manufacturers Association at Portland, Oregon.
Harry Lake Talks to Sonoma Country Club
Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, was the principal speaker at a mbeting of the Sonoma County Lumbermen's Club, held in Santa Rosa on Saturday evening, April 13.
Fifteen yards were represented, and Mead Clark, Mead Clark Lumber Co., Santi Rosa, president of the club, presided.
Rustic Spantsh
JtteaarC brcvnstaned sh na/a and trim qr'ves tltis ltorte avet1, enchantinq , ttoffittance- 77t ePti o lrcaf,d VirtTsaiwaes frzrs plan into a unft .hom e wt th Sle.ePtng accom mdafu'ons on the one ide - dtn in q, heatrast ndn arza et *fdt' ot th e oPPwtte stde a// wttlt ideal rywry4 717e cotnectiw Pa'teG wftn arrltd qefinqs is a/.so a decidedtMuie. --/iii is art idea/ hmtePlan adaptable to atry loctutry'
No other realization that you are privileged to attain can even- comPare to the pride and satisfaction you receivJ through the possession of an artistic home.
My Home-That's pride. Realization-That's thrift. Protection-That's love. Satisfaction-That's final.
And a well-built home will reflect the best investment you can make.
Plans for this attractive home can be furnished by the Lumbennents Service Association
Fay Buildingr Lo,s Angeles.