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Douglas Fir. A decrease in both lumber produced and orders received is refected in the repons oj 214 rnills in the Douglas fir region of Oregon, Waahington and Britiah Columbia to the West Coast Lrmrbermen's AEsociation of tbe week ending April 19. Orders reported by these millg during the first 16 weeks of the year were 5.86 per cent below their dutput.
For the week ending April 19, orders received by the 214 mills from the rail trade were about 2,O(X),(XX) feet below those reported for the previous week, dbmestic cargo orders fuc'tuated and were about IOTOOOrOOO feet less and export orders showed a decrease of about IOTOOOrO0O feet.
UnfiIled orders decreased about 3r7OOr(X)O feet for the week emding April 19. Unfilled orders decreased about 4TOOO,OOO in the rail trade, increased about 1,0(X)'(XX) in the domestic cargo trade, and decreased about 7OO,0(X) feet in the ebrport rnrrket.
Production, orders and shipmentr at these 214 mills for the week €ndinS April 19 were reported to the Association as follows: Production 178,984,831 feet; Orders 154,688,462 feeti Shipments 155,198,195 feet. Orders were 13.57 per cent under produc{ion and shiprnentr 13.29 per cent under tte output. Details of orders as reported by these millr follows: Rail 62r932r79{J-- feet; Domestic Cargo 49,6o21239 feet; Export 301672,966 feet; Locd 111480,467 feet.
Operating at about 38 per cent below capacity, 3O4 mills reporting to the Aerociation have produced 8.56 per cent lear hmrber during the first 16 weeks of 193O than they cut during the comparable period of last year.
The volume of busines showed an increase in the California market during the past two weekc but pricer still continue unsatirfactory and unprofitable. Fir cargo arrivals at California ports are light. Unrold rtocks at San Pedno are low and on April 23 totaled 9r25OrOOO. 4O veneh in the Califonria service are tied up.
Redwood. For the wee& ending April 19, the Cdifonria Redwood Association reported production from 13 millr ar 616561000 feet, shipmentr 614641000 fe€t and orderu 6'. 432r00O feet. The market showr very little change-there is a good volume of busineu moving and pricer are firrn California White and Sugar Pine. For the wee'k ending April 19, the California White and Sugar Pine Menufacturers Association reported production from 16 rnillr ar 10,462'000 feet, shipments 12,979,0(X) feet, and orden 12'617'00O feet. Orderc and shipmentr continue well ahead of production. The pine market remains about the sarne and prices are being well meintained. The mills report that a large number of inquiriea are being received.
For the first cixteen weeks of 193O, tte current reLatirnahip of shipmentr and orderc to production based on rGports from the regional anociationr to the National Lunrber Manufacturers .A,ssocietion, is as follorw:
West Coast Lumberment3 l3666iatiq1-pp{uction 2r544,236 M feet; Shipmentr 213461643 M feet; Orden 2r395,356 M feet.
California Redwood Association-Production 1231479 M feet; Shipmentr 108,283 M fea; Gders 1121624 M fet. California White and Sugar Pine Arsociatiea-p1s{us- tion 150,423 M feet; Shipmentr 32O,4OO M feet; Od'ert 333,404 M feet.
Southern Pine .Association-Production 9701967 M feet; Shipments 902,811 M feet; Orders 9l4,l2l M feet.
Total Hardwoods-Production 720,922 M feet; Shipmentg 6071862 M feet; Orders 609,051 M feet.