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Reports Good Results From Penrinsula Lumbermen's Club Home Modernizing Bureau Has New Secretary
Building and r,raterial men of Minneapolis are so impressed with the success attending the efforts of the Home Modernizing Bureau in 1929 that they will continue the campaign this year, and will develop some new advertising methods.
Builders Exchange statisti'cs show that although there was an actual drop in the construction of new buildings in Minneapolis in 1929 of $1,557,315 as compared with 1928, there was an increase in additions and repairs-moderniz- ing-of 1,596,7W, showing a balance in favor of 1929 of $39,385. The amount spent in modernizing work in 1929 was $3,804,385.
D. (i. Penzotti was recently appointed secretary of the Peninsula Lumbermen's Club. which has headquarters at 18O University Avenue, Palo Alto.
Mr. Penzotti, who succeeds E. H. Galpin. has almost completed 25 yearc in the retail lumber buiiness, having started his career with the Brookings Lumber & Mill Co., at San Bernardino in October, 1905. After spending nine years .:here he put in four and a half years running a yard in Derning, N. M.; and after leaving there was associated with tre Blackman Lumber Co. in Oakland and Alameda. He tht:n made connections with the Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., and managed their Salinas yard for four and a half years rrntil they sold out in January, 1929.
Portland, Oregon
Car and Cargo Shipments
Mills-Pecific Spruce Corporation
Capacity-400r(Xx) feet per 8-hour chift.
Ships-S. S. Robert Johnson, S. S. C. D. Johnson III. Specier-Old Growth Yellow Fir and Sitka Spruce sares offices : :31 lfriffi ffH5,i*;lti*o*