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Wheeler, Osgood Announces William A. Pickering Changes in Organization
Several changes in the organization of The WheelerOsgood Company, Tacoma, Washington, manufacturers of Laminex and Woco doors and plywood, have just been announced.
For the past year, their General Sales Offices have been located in Chicago. This plan has not proved entirely satisfactory and the company believes that they can offer their distributors a more complete service from the Home Office at T,acoma.
Due to the growth of the ,company and the 'correspondingly larger number of details connected .ivith their business, they have felt that some officer of the company should be availlble for personal ,contact with the irade when important matters or policies are to be de,cided quickly. It is often impossible for one of the principals of The Wheeler, Osgood Company to make the long trip from the Pacific Northwest to the large markets in the east and middle west when these occasions arise, so they have made an arrang'ement which they believe will be of lconsiderable value to their distributors. W. S. Nurenburg, who has been with the organization for over twenty years and who has been General Sales Manager with headquarters in Chicago, has been elected a Vice-President and will represent the,company in'the eastern part of the country. His office will be in the Grand Central Terminal Building, New York City.
W. R. Ripley, who has been connected with the company for many years as Vice-President and Director of Sales, has resigned and W. L. Rawn has been ele,cted to su,cceed him. Mr. Rawn has been manager of both the Western Door Manufacturers'Association and the Ameri,can Export Door Corporation and is well known in the door and ply-' wood industry, both in the domestic and foreign markets.
The Wheeler, Osgood Company have also taken over the personnel of the former American Export Door Corporation and is now actively engaged in distributing Laminex and Waco products in the export field.
In addition to the General Offices at Tacoma, the company will maintain sales offices in New York, Chi,cago, Atlanta, Kansas Citv, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Spokane.
It is the desire of the company to also announce that no changes in their well re,cognized sales policy are contemplated.
G. P. Purchase, of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has returned from Bay Point, California, where he attended the company's monthly sales meeting.
William A. Pickering, president of the Pickering Lumber Company, Kansas City, Mo., died on Tuesday mornin, April 15 at the Research Hospital in Kansas City following a short illness. On the Saturday preceding his death, Mr. Pickering suffered an internal hemorrhage in his apartment at the Villa Locarno. Mr. Pickering's family, including his wife, his son, R. C. Pickering and daughter, Miss Cynthia Pickering, who were at their home in California made the trip to Kansas City by airplane arriving there on Sunday, April 13.
W. A. Pickering was born at Buffalo, Mo., on December 26, 187O. He was the son of the late W. R. Pickering, the founder of the company which bears his name. The Pickering Lumber Company was founded in 1887. Upon the death of his father in t927, W. A. Pickering succeeded him as head of the company. The Pi,ckering Lumber Company have large pine timber holdings in California where they operate mills at Tuolumne and Standatd and are erecting another large mill at Alturas. They also operate a door factory at Sonora, Calif. Ttrey have two mills at Haslam, Texas, and a large line of retail lumber yards in the middle west and southwest.
W. A. Pickering attended Drury College at Springfield, Mo., after which he entered on his lumber ,career with his father. He was married to Miss Zoe Louise Cravens, of Springfield, in 1901. In 1889, his father moved the company's headquarters to Kansas City, and later W. A. Pickering went to Kansas City. Mr. Pickering maintained a home. Las Palmas, at Santa Monica, Calif., where Mrs. Pi'ckering, who has been an invalid for. sevelal years, and their family spent most of their time. Wh'en in Kansas City, Mr. Pickering made his home at the Villa Locarno.
Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Miss Zoe I-ouise and Cynthia Ann Pickering, and one son, Russell C. Pickering who is associated with the company. Mr. Pi,ckering was a member of the Los Angeles Country Club and Jonathan Club of Los Angeles, and the Family and Bohemian Clubs of San Francisco. Funeral services were held in Kansas City on April 17.
\M.'\ry". Wheatley Resigns
t' W. W. Wheatley, secretary-treasurer of the Imperial Valley Lumbermen's Association, announces his resignation which will become effective June 1. He says that his plans for the future are rather indefinite at the present time, but he hopes to spend the month of June at his ran'ch in San Diego County. Mr. Wheatley reports that their association is making fine progress.