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Home Owning Essay Contest for School Children
Announcement was rece4tly made in the Imperial Valley Press, El Centro, of the Home Owning Essay Contest open to all Imperial Valley s,chool children which is being cbnducted under the auspices of the Better Homes in America Campaign for El Cehtro, of which Mrs. O. G. Horne is chairman, and sponsored by the El Centro Chamber of Commerce, El Centro Junior Chamber of Commerce, Building Service Bureau, Imperial Valley Master Plumbers' Association, Imperial Valley Hardware Co. and.the Imperial Valley Loan Co.
The prizes are as follows: First $25.00 cash; second $15.00 cash; third $10.00 cash; fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh prizes $5.0O cash each.
The rules of the contest were as follows.:
1. Open to all Imperial Valley School Children.
2. Essay limited to 300 words.
3. Subject: "Why Father and Mother Should Own Our Home."
4. Write on one side of paper only.
5. Sign Full Name. State School, Class and Age.
6. Address envelope to "Essay Contest", El Centro Chamber of Commerie.
7. Contest Closes April 30, 1930.
8. Winners will be announ,ced as soon as oossible after Mav 1. 1930.
The'judges are: Rev. Charles Wilson Baker;J.P.Green, Editor Imperial Valley Press; Cartton D. Joy, Editor Imperial Valley Farmer.
The contest was arranged for by W. W. Wheatley, secretary of the Imperial Valley Lumbermen's Association, to be held under the auspices of the Better lIomes in America Campaign which came into being through his efforts. Mr. Wheatley states that radio announcements have been made on'ce a week regarding the contest and that considerable interest has been shown all over the Valley. In referring to the building pages that are carried in the El Centro papers to stirnulate interest in home owning and modernizing, Mr. Wheatley states that they have proved very beneficial and many direct sales for building materials can be traced to this work.
56 -Year- Old Redwood Used Again In New Structure
/ Max E. Cook, Farmstead Engineer, California Redwood y' Association, in a recent field trip in the Northern part of the State, ran across a case where the 56-year-old Redwood siding and shingles from a building in Colusa, now being wrecked, are to be used again by the owner in a new structure.
The building is one of those which escay'ed the fire in the 80's. The shingles and siding are in perfect condition, in spite of the fact that the lattei has not been painted for 30 yearS.
C. E. Dant, of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, Ore., returned recently from a three months' tour of Japan, China and the Philippine Islands. Mr. Dant reported that trade in China is depressed owing to the internal strife, and that Japan's imports of logs and lumber from the. Pacific Coast have decreased greatly owing to their financial depression. He reported that the Philippine Islands, generally speaking are prosperous, but that lumber manufacturing there has reached the point of over-production. He stated as his opiniori that there will be a great development in tlie Philippines when the question of independence is out of the way, and that this question is merely a matter of politics, there being no general demand for independence.