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builds more livable homes h,elps bring the infutstrY back to prosperity
SURE way to stimulate new build'
1|\ ing and increase the prosperity -of the entiie building industry is to offer the public more livable homes that assure year 'round comfort.
Here Celotex insulation strikes the key note for a powerful campaign for better-built homes. For Celotex, through years of powerful and continuous nation- al advertising, has become the preferred insulation of home buyers everywhere.
Your salesmen can capitalize the nationwide enthusiasm for Celotex-insulated homes in their effort to increase your sales and your profits.
Give them the tested Celotex Merchandising Plans to work with. These plans make their efforts more productive.
CELOTEX is easy to sell because the name Celoter has become a household word for effective insulation.
CELOTEX is advertised and merchandised to every factor in the building industrY' cELorEx
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CELOTEX generously repays every ounce of extra sales effort You Put behind it.
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Gentlemen: Please send me your detailed Merchandising Plans, designed to increase my profits from Celotex.