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Columbia River Bridge at Longview Open to Traffic
/ The large bridge that spans the Columbia River and ported on Douglas fir falsework, 900,000 feet being used { connects Longview, Wash., with Rainier, Oregon, was for each arm. There are two timber approaches to the opened to traffic on March 29. Approximately 6,000,000 two ends of the bridge rvhich aggregate_372S-f.eet-in length reet of No. 1 common Douglas fir was used in buitding ,tfn"..!tll ,?.!?ilj,.t;'.tt,H,l'ilr"["?"uglas fir. The. the bridge, for permanent construction as well as false- "In constructing the falsework, from seven to eleven 'work. pieces 12 inches 6y 12 inches or 12 inches by 14 inches by
Th" bridge_ has a deck clearance of 196 feet, and is the 41 feet Douglas fii were used as posts for each bent. Capl highest cantilever bridge in the -y9t1d over_ a navigable and sills wire 12 inches by 12 inches. Sway brace, *.i. stream. It has a main span of 1200 fegt and two anchor 4 inches by 12 inches. Longitudinal diagonil braces were arms of 760 feet each.' The two anchor arms-are the 4 inches by 12 inches by 621eet. Longifudinal girts were longest in the world, and during construction were sup- 8 inches by 10 inches by 42 feet.
Schafer In Los Angeles
Albert Schafer, r'ice-president of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Door Company, Montesano, Wash., has returned to hi"s home after spending several days in California on business. While in Los Angeles, Mr. Schafer made his headquarters at the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company, who are the Southern California representatives for the Washington concern.
W. C. Abendroth, treasurer of the Robbins Flooring Company, Inc., Rhinelander, Wis,consin, has left for the East after spending three weeks in Los Angeles on a combined business and pleasure trip. During his stay, Mr. Abendroth made his head_quarters at the office of Clint Laughlin, who represents the 'company in this territory.