1 minute read
Bead th and youell PIONEER COPPI is bringing add,ed, pr.
f O*i"g lg2g, more than 18,000,000 feet of metal valleys were sold, and none of this profitable business went to lumber dealers. ![ N"* . . . Pioneer Copperclad Valley is taking lumber dealers into this active market with a product that is easy to sell and carries " good margin of profit.
!f Et ".y sloping roof job is a prospective Pioneer Copperclad Valley job . whether itts tile, slate, wood shingles, asbestos or composition shingles.
l[ Customers want Pioneer Copperclad Vatley because it costs less in the long run than other metal valleys., tf f"r samples and complete information, get in touch with your nearest Pioneer branch office . . . and remember, Pioneer Copperclad Valley scips are patented and are an EXCLUSIVE Pioneer Paper Company product on the Pacific Coast.
!f Contr"ctors use it because it is easy to apply . . flexible . fits snugly, and nails down just like any roofing.
S A"a you'll lilce it because it ofiers a logical companion item to sell with every order of sloping roof material. . . and it will bring you an increased volume of business and greater profit!