2 minute read
Six-Wheel Trucks Easy on Roads and Reduce Cost Per Ton Mile
The vibration set up crossing the bridge was hardly--notifeable to those standing on the bridge; while the vibration set up by the standard four-wheel, two-wheel drive motor trucks was decidedly noticeable'to everyone. Smoothness
Brute strength and beauty of line, Fageol .,10--ton truck meets need lor truck of griat caltacity with s7eed and flenibili-ty. Lessened road impact ond ,rbi distributioi of loid go beyond thi requirements. of .St.ate A;sn;iy ri[ulations. Note stuidy coistruction and stream-line design'
"Reducing the cost per ton mile," according to T. R' Bill' Sales Maniger of the Fageol Motors Com-pany, "is the constant pto=bl"* of the motor truck manufacturer. The increased'payload, the even distribution of load over the driving michanism, the greatly increas-ed road traction are outsta"nding features. of the four-wheel drive motor truck' The sreat"reduction of road impact means a substantial increi-se in the life of the motor truck with little, if any' wear to the highwaY."
"Motor truc[ manufacturers have been puzzled over the oroblem of accessibility of all component parts and the iuccessful operation of this type of drive in actual daily work. The ultimate aim of the four-wheel drive, six-wheel motor truck is to reduce the cost per ton mile' Obviously, to reduce mechanical maintenance of any truck operation will materially decrease the cost per ton mile. This problem has been'solved effectively by Fageol's latest development of this class of truck. It is outstanding for its simplicity of design."
Hundreds in Use Throughout the West
Mr. Bill said, "hundreds of four-wheel drive Fageol trucks are in daily operation on the Pacific Coast, many hauling better than tin tons at a speed that was never before thousht possible for a motor truck carrying such a large gross"loa-d." Mr. Bill goes on to say that "results have been astonishing."
"Many 6perators have been able to show such a -great increasi in ihe payload, with the resultant lowering of cost per ton mile, ihit they have operated profitably under "dnerse conditions." Life of Truck
GreatlY Increased
One of the most important points of interest to the operator is the absence of vibration because of the lessened road shocks as accomplished by this particular design of rear axle being journalled itt the spring seats, -permitting the wheels to-roll, rather than to drop into chuck holes and bounce over bumPs.
Mr. Bill stated: "In a recent demonstration for one of our Northern State Highway Commissioners we were requested. to drive one of our six-wheel, four-wheel drive motor trucks over a bridge with a very rough road-bed' of operation, the feeling of rolling over the highway,.with no e'ffort on the part of the motor, is one of the thrills of riding one of these big lO-tired jobs."
Driver HaS Complete Control At AU Times
These Fageol trucks will haul a maximum of 34,000 pounds grosi," Bill stated, "at a fair rate of speed, there ^beine nJ vibration and, with the Westinghouse air-brakes, the irotor truck is in complete and absolute control of the driver. The ten big 38x9.75 tires give a wide margin of safety under all operating conditions, and the two rear axles which have a carrying capacity of thirty-two thousands pounds alone, give you the wide margin of safety necessary for present day highway and city traffic conditions."
Eastern Truck Men Watch Western Demonstration
Mr. Bill says that the East has had to look to the West for the development of the six-wheel, four-wheel drive
Material For Aromatic Cedar Chests
l " Rough Stock
13/16" S2S and Sanded (Chest Sizes) l3/16'5 Ply Veneer (Chest Sizea)
Sold by Retail Lumber, Building motor truck and states that it was iust a few vears back when Fageol first adopted the four-wheel drive and Eastern manufacturers were looking with interest to this experiment of truck driving mechanism.
Material and Hardware Stores.
Mr Bill said: "While they were waiting for developments, we have gone ahead and perfected this greatest advancement in motor truck manufacture and during the past three years brought untold economies to Western truck owners."
LAkeside 5585