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Masonite Corporation Opens,,nF f R S T C L A S S LosAngelesOffice / ROUND THB WORLD
The Masonite Corporation opened an office at 723 Pacific National Building, Los Angeles, on May lst, which will be under the management of W. P. Frambes, formerly of Fleteher & Frambes, who handled the Masonite account in this territory. J. W. Fletcher will 'continue to operate under the name Fletcher & Frambes at the same address, 1223 Rives-Strong Bldg. He will have the Oregon Door Company account and will also handle white and sugar pine.
Lew Blinn and Red Grimes
Exchange Territories
L. W. (Lew) Blinn is covering the San Joaquin territory temporarily for The Pacific Lumber Co., and Red Grimes is working the Coast territory, in line with the policy of the company that the Northern salesmen should get acquainted ,with all the dealers in the Northern part of the State.
Eotne Toun to Eome Tonn
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Stop over where you please within the two'year limit of your ticket... visit japan, China, the Eastlndies atyour leisure ; glimpse the fascinating, far-off coinerJof the world, and then--<ontinue your travels on anotherPresideot Liner as you would on another tratn.
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From New York abd Boston: Formightly sailings for California via llavana and Panama, thence Round the lforld.
($1110 fare includes room and meals, also rail fare from any di. rect line point in the U. S. to Los Angeles orSanFrancisco and back to starting point from NewYork).
Ask for further information from. any steamship or tourist agent.