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How Lumber Looks
New business at the hardwood mills during the week ended April 15, 1933, was the heaviest since last October and totaled 3l per cent above that booked during the correcponding week of. 1932, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of. 663 leading softwood and hardwood mills. New business at softwood mills fell below that of the previous four weeks but was higher than for any of the first'ten weeks of 1933. Softwood production established a new high for 1933' at96r972,O00 feet. All production totaled lO7r295rOOO feet, also 1933 highest figure. *t"*l orders .-;""*1 to t24,328,000 feet.
Douglas Fir-A total of 252 d.own and operating mills which reported to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended April 15 produced 62,505,446 board feet of lumber. This was a decrease of 8571791 feet or l.4Vo undet their cut in the preceding week. The average weekts production of this group of savrmills n 1933 has been 57,1721322 feet; during the same period of. 1932, their weekly avetage was 651930,6O4 f.eet.
New business teported for the week ended April 15 by 179 mills was 5818311260 board feet against a production of 57r66i6,255 feet and bhipments of 63,410,085 feet. Shipments were over production by 9.9jo and current sales were over Production by z.Vo. The ordets booked for the week by this group of mills were less than their orders of the preceding week by 7r9t4r065 feet, or l2/e. Production decreased less than 1r0(X),000 feet from the previous week.
New business in volume is back to a.point somewhat below that set for March 11, when the bufng furry started, but considerably higher than during the week of March 4. - As pro. duction did not'follow new business up during March, cutting remains less than the orders during the current week. Inventories continue to decrease although this is the usual time of year fot stock making. The Association reports that there is no evidence of a building revival at hand.
Details of orders and shipments at these 179 mills for the week follow: Orders-Rail 19,4741803 f.eet; Domestic Cargo 2214411076 feet; Export tlr35rr4t9 feet; Local 51561,962 f.eet. Shipments-Rail 2O,O76,613 f.eet; Domestic Cargo 23,173,607 feet; Export 14,637903 f;t; f;cat 5,561,962 f.eet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended April 15
Advertiring Ratcr on Applicatioa
rqrorted new business from 105 mills at 22109600O feet; shipments 24r872r00o feet; and productioa 21r07e0fi) feec Orders wete 5 per cent above production and 11 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 18 per cent above production.
The Western Pine Association for the week reported new business from 1O7 mills as 2216971000 feet; shipments 27r3O4r0OO feet, and production l7r974rOOO f.eet. Orders wete 26 per cent above production and 17 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 52 per cent above production.
265 hardwood mills for the same week give new business as 1712841000 feet, or 67 per cent above productiono and ship. ments 1511741000 feet ot 47 per cent above production. Pro, duction was 1O,32),O00 feet.
The California Redwood Association for the month of March, 1933, reports orders received from 12 mills as l2232rOOO feet; orders on hand 151569,000 feet; shipments 1216441000 feet, and production 101811,000 feet.
Details of orders and shipments for the month follow: Orders-Northern California 4,33610oo feet; Soutfiern California 216521000 feet; V7estern l27rO0O feet; Eastetn 4r084r0(X) feet, and Foreign lr023r000 f,ea. Shipments-Northern Cdifornia 5r3l9rOOO feet; Southern California 1,9881000 feet; Vestern 89,000 feet; Eastern 3,t89r000 feet; Foreign 1,859,00 feet unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro totaled 3e2O9rO00 feet on April 22, as compared to 3r655r(X)0 feet'tfie ptevious week. Cargo amivals at this port for the week ended Apil 22 amounted to 91602,000 feet, which included 9 cargoes of Fir. 48 lumber vessels in the coastwise trade were operatiag on April 22; 5E vessels were laid up.
The trend of business in generd is betfer throughout the state of California and the outlook is brighter in all lines. April building totals in Los Angeles will be the highest of any month t{ris year, the building permits for the first twenty-two days of tlre month amount to $97ArZ4Z; 80 per cetrt of this total is for repairs and alterations. The California lumber demand slowed up some during the past two weeks. Following the briek demand for lumber in the Southern California earthquake zone for repairc and emergency uses, it is now thought that it will probably be a few months before actual re6uilding gete under way. Fir mill prices are very firm.