1 minute read

Celotex Selling Poin ts that interest FARMBRS

Ttr*" ABOUT the farmers in your vicinitv!

Those whose property is free from debt are good prospects for your materials. They have buildings and houses to irnprove and repair.

The following points are "reasone why" your farnrer customers should use Celotex and the other materials you have for sale:

O The cost of insulating a milk house and cool' ing tank is returnable in the firot year. Proper milk cooling enables dairy farmers to com' mand top prices. Read. the booklet, "Milk Flouse and Cooling Tank Facts," carefully. Pass it on to prosPects, o Reports suggest a probable shortage in egg production this summer and fall. That means higher priceo. Properly insulated and venti' lated houses increase egg production. Poultry raisers need Celote:. Read "Poultry House Construction with Celote:" and "Breed - Feed-I{ousing." Pass thern on to prosPecg. Take full advantage of your position as a retailer .of building materials. Show farmerr how Celote: and your other products will reduce production cosr in their buildings and homeg. The Celotex Company, 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IIlinois.

Celotex is manufactured under the exclusive Ferox Process (patented) assuring protection from Dry Rot and Termites.

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