1 minute read

Announces Ne* Sash, \(indow Opposc Repeal of Contractors' and

Door Frame Schedule

In the interest of further price stabilization, the Millwork Institute of California announces it is issuing, in simplified form, a new Sash, Window ancl Door Frame Schedule. The size and layout is so arranged that it may be added as a separate section on frames to the current Sash & Door Schedule No. 132. It is composed of 13 pages and covers both exterior and interior frames of the various designs and types generally in use; and it is so simplified that it can be used by the smallest planing mill or retailer.

fn order to partially finance the printing cost, they are making a nominal ,charge of 5O ,cents per set. The Millwork Institute is the sole source of distribution and all orders for Frame Schedules should be forwarded to their office at 523 Patterson Bldg., Fresno, Calif. They request that you enclose your check for these S,chedules with y,our or,ders so that they may be spared the expense of hanclling a large number of small accounts.

Organized local groups, as well as individual firms, rvill find the Frame Schedules entirely applicable to their method of operation. Groups may order their copies through their local secretaries.

Referring to price stabilization L. G. Sterett, secretary of the Institute, in the announcement says :

"The Millrvork Institute has been actively engagecl in price stabilization work. Lo.cal cooperation has been responsive and notable success has already been n-rade. Indications are that the trend in the building industry for 1933 will be towards a more healthy price condition. This is of the utmost importance to every firm in the state. The suffering during the past has been occasioned more by insane pri'ce levels than by low volume; and the solution for it is in our hands. It is time to substitute honesty, confidence, faith and cooperation for suicidal, cut-throat competition with all its attendant losses."

Mexican Sawmill Burns

The sawmill of the Compania Maderera de Durango, S. A., at El Salto, near Durango, Mexico, and 18,000,000 feet of lumber were destroyed by fire April 10, according to news recently received from Mexico City.

This mill rvas owned by American interests, and in 1926 and 1927 Frederic S. Palmer, manager of the Pine department of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, was its general manager, and C. C. Stibich, sales manager, Tahoe Sugar Pine Co., San Francisco, was his assistant.

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