5 minute read
Second Annual Reveille Bis Success
Golf Tournoment Popular Feature
The Second Annual Reveille of Central and Northern California lumbermen was held at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland, Friday evening, April 20, 1934, and brought out a big turnout. The meeting was a big success. Over 300 sat down to dinner in the Ivory Ballroom of the hotel.
C. I. Gilbert, president of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, under whose auspices the affair was given, opened the meeting with an address of welcome which was followed by further remarks from Clement Fraser, chairman of the General Committee. Mr. Fraser then introduced H. Sewall Morton. chairman of the Entertainment Committee, and the big show was on. Charles F. Bulotti, well known N.B.C. tenor and guest artist, and who was present through the courtesy of the Loop Lumber Co. of San Francisco, opened the entertainment with three numbers that were well received. There were twenty numbers on the entertainment program which' were all exceptionally good.
The General Committee expressed their gratitude to the Northern California wholesale lumber firms, lumber manufacturers and manufacturers' representatives, who made cash donations to provide for the excellent entertainment, also to the wholesale and retail lumber firms, sash and door concerns, building material, and cement companies who contributed prizes for the golf tournament.
The following morning, Saturday, April 2l, the golf tournament was held at the Oak Knoll Country Club. Fiftythree players took part in the tournament. The prize winners of the various golf events follow:
Low Gross, W. A. Dwight, Jr. ... .Golf Bag
Low Net, F. M. Dreisbach, Sr. . Suit Case
2nd. Low Net, F. S. Spencer ......Toilet Set
Wholesalers' Low Gross, Nick Cryer Shaker Set
Wholesalers' Low Net, H. R. Merryman ...Silver Shaker
Retailers' Low Gross, Roy Dreisbach..Leath. Zipper Grip
Retailers' Low Net, Geo. Dunn Sweater Set
Flight No. 1, Low Gross, G. F. Bonnington....Brief Case
Flight No. 1, Low Net, Fritz Dettman.... ..Wallet
Flt. No. l,2nd Low Net, Harry Vincent. % doz. Golf Balls
Flight No.2, Low Gross, Clem Fraser..Pen and Pencil Set
Flight No. 2, Low Net, J. H. Richardson...Silver Pitcher
Flt. No.2,2nd Low Net, Tom Bransom.rl doz. Golf Balls
Flight No. 3, Low Gross, G. MacKenzie..SilverCompote
Flight No. 3, Low Net, E. W. Richardson....Silver Bowl
Flight No. 3, Znd Low Net, J. D. Maris.l doz. Golf Balls
Low Score on Hole-l2, W. H. Fishburn. Picture in Wood
Low Score on llole-lQ Clyde Spear......Cigarette Case
High Score on Hole-9, Iloward Mitchell ..Cigarette Case
High Score on Hole-l8, Gordon Pierce Roll Wire
High Net Score, Lloyd Harris Box Candy
High Net Score, Wm. Chatham, Jr. Box Candy
Guest'Prize, Lolv Gross and Net
Ted Adams I doz. Gol{ Balls
The firms listed below are those who cooperated financially to make the Second Annual Reveille a success:
California Cedar Products, Stockton; W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco; Coos Bay Lumber Co., Oakland; Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco; Donovan Lumber Co., San Francisco; Elliott Bay Sales Co., Oakland; Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco ; Hart-Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco; Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland; Hobbs, Wall & Co., San Francisco; Holmes E,ureka Lumber Co., San Francisco; A. B. Johnson Lumber Co., San Francisco; C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., San Francisco; A.
N. Lofgren, San Francisco; McCloud River Lumber Co., San Francisco; Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco; Monterey Bay Redwood Co., Santa Cruz; Moore Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco; Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco; The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco; Paramino Lumber Co., San Francisco; The Red River Lumber Co., San Francisco; Redwood Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg; Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz; Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco; Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., San Francisco; Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; Sudden & Christenson, San Francisco; IJnion Lumber Co., San Francisco; Wanke Panel Co., Oakland; Wendling Nathan Co., San Francisco; Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland; Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., San Francisco; E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. San Francisco.
The following firms donated golf prizes:
Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland; O. W. Brooks, Baker Hamilton & Pacfiic Co., San Francisco; California Builders Supply Co., Ltd., Oakland; California Wire Cloth Co., Oakland; The Celotex Co., representatives: Harry HoltS€f,, Oakland, Ernie Bacon, Sacramento; Certain-teed Products Corp., San Francisco; Cobbledick-Kibbe Glass Co., Oakland; East Bay Glass Co., Oakland; Freeman Steamship Co., San Francisco; W. P. Fuller & Co., Oakland; Jones Hardwood Co., San Francisco; Henry Cowell Lime & Cement Co., San Francisco; Chas. R. N{cCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco; T. P. Hogan Co., Oakland; Kirchmann-Hardwood Co., San Francisco; Libby-OwenFord Glass Co., San Francisco; A. N. Lofgren, San Francisco; Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda; Maris Plywood Co., San Francisco; Masonite Corporation, San Francisco; Nicolai Door Sales Co., San Francisco; Sam D. North, Paraffine Co.'s, Inc., Emeryville; Schumacher Wall Board Corp., San Francisco; Sterling Lumber Co., Oakland; White Brothers, San Francisco and Oakland; Yosemite Portland Cement Corp., San Francisco.
The Committees who alranged for the Reveille follow: General Committee-Clement Fraser, Chairman; C. I. Gilbert; H. Sewall Morton; G. F. Bonnington; L. I. Woodson; B. E. Bryan; M. R. Grant; John H. Tyson; Thos. L. Hubbard; Elmore King; Ralph P. Duncan ; Chas. T. Lund;Jos. H. Kirk; Chas. G. Bird; E.T. Robie;Russell Stevens and Earle E. Johnson.
Qeneral Secretary-Treasurer, Carl R. Moore; Entertainment Committee, H. Sewall Morton, Chairman, Earle E. Johnson and Henry M. Hink; Golf Committee, G. F. Bonnington, Chairman, Henry M. Hink, C. L Spear and L. J. Woodson; Publicity Committee, L. J. Woodson, Chairman, H. Sewall Morton, G. F. Bonnington, B. E. Bryan and M. R. Grant; Banquet Committee, C. I. Gilbert, Chairman, B. E. Bryan and H. Sewall Morton; Program, Posters and Tickets Committee, B. E. Bryan, Chairman, H. Sewall Morton and G. F. Bonnington; Ticket Sale Committee, M. R. Grant, Chairman, H. Sewall Morton, G. F. Bonnington, L. J. Woodson, B. E. Bryan and Forrest K. Peil.
One visitor who received a great welcome was Garnet 'W. Fraser. who came from the Masonic lfome at Decoto in his wheel chair to attend. Two old-time officers of Club No. 39 who were present were Hugh W. Hogan and George C. Troth. Telegrams were sent by the crowd to George M. Cornwall, Fred Hamlin and J. E. Neighbor, who were too ill to attend.
Big Turnout Expected at "Ha Jinks"
Harold W. Brou'n, chailman of the arrangements committee for the "Hi Jinks" that will be held by Lumbermen's Post 403, American Legion, on Friday evening, Nlay 25, 1934, at the Hamilton Clttb, 6231 South Grand avenue, I-os Angeles, reports that a splendid entertainment is being arranged for and indications point to a big turnout. Tickets will be $1.50 and can be secured from the members of Lumbermen's Post.
Joins Donovan's L. A. Sales St.ff
Charlie Cheeseman has joined the Los Angeles sales staff of the Donovan Lumber Co. and will assist Jack Thomas in contacting the Southern California retail lumber trade. Mr. Cheeseman is rvell known to the Southern California retailers, having covered this territory for several years.
H. B. Herves, nationally kn.orvn lumberman, president of the Clover Valley Lumber Co., Loyalton, Calif., returned to his office in San Francisco April 7, after spending several months in Teanerette and New Orleans. La.
\(/ood Filing Cabinets in Demand
Washington, D. C., April 18.-To meet the increasing demand for filing cabinets made of wood as opposed to other materials, the Globe-Wernicke Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, is putting out a new and distinctive line of beautiful wood filing cabinets.
The manufacturers have added to the beauty, dignity, and charm of wood furniture the latest and best mechanical features developed for efficient filing equipment.
Lumbermen will be glad to push the use of this and similar office equipment. The cabinet is unusually well made and is beautifully finished in oak, walnut or mahogany veneer over a five-ply poplar core. Through improvement of design and construction the file takes as little floor space as that made from any competing material.
Smartly designed hardware of polished cast bronze adds to the appearance. Drawers operate on cradle-type progressive steel extension slides equipped with ball-bearing rollers. A patented filing principle which keeps the contents of each drawer in an upright position, with ample r,r'orking space for removing or inserting correspondence and folders, is incorporated in the ner,v cabinet. Folders are supported in such a manner that they cannot recline at an angle of more than 45 degrees.
Returns From Arizona Trip
Frank Curran, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to Arizona rvhere he spent a few days on company business.