1 minute read

tVill Allot Philippine Mahosany lmport Quotas

Importers of Philippine lumber and timber products have been notified that the Executive Committee of the Philippine Mahogany Subdivision, under authority of the Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber and Timber Products Industries as amended, and in accordance with its provisions, will allot quotas for the importation of Philippine Mahogany and Philippine Hardwoods upon application.

Applications must be executed and on file with the Executive Committee at its office, Room 1034, 111 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, California, by Tuesday, May l, 1934.

Quotas will be allocated for a period of six months, beginning June 1, 1934.

Appointed Mill Representative

James has been Donovan

L. Hall, San Francisco wholesale lumber dealer, appointed Northern California agent for BloedelLumber Mills, Bellingham, Wash.

NRA Hearings on Fair Trade Practices Schedule

(Continued from Page 17) cipally at wholesale" as one of the qualifi'cations necessary for wholesaler classifi cation.

Mr. Snedaker said his firm does a large business with what he designated "operative builders," but to which Deputy Administrator A. C. Dixon applied theterm "speculative builders." It was the contention of Mr. Snedaker and others in his group that this type of sales should be recognized as rvholesale business.

Other witnesses testifying against the proposed change included: A. K. Leuckel, Trenton, N. J., representing Leuckel and Co.; Amos Y. Lesher, Lumber & Millwork Co., of Philadelphia; and William R. Lamar, representing Barber & Ross, Inc., Washington, D. C.

The Authority's stand in the matter was supported principally by Mr. Stevens, John G. Whittier, of the Whittier Lumber & Millwork Co., Newark, N. J., and Mr. Bahr. They explained that the definitions had the support of the Easiern Millwork Bureau and other representative organizations in the millwork industry, and that the definitions were designed to correct abuses whi.ch had undermined the industry for years and without which the fair trade practices obiective could not be attained.

Otheis appearing at the woodwork session included Ed Kutz, representing Peter Kutz Co., Dayton, Ohio; J. M' Coleman, of the Mail Order Association of America; I. S. Turover, Washington, D. C., and E. W. Donahue, Chicago, representing the Donahue Screen Door Co., W. K. Wimsatt, Washington, D. C., and W. E. Morgan, Columbus, Ohio.

At the session dealing with Chapter IV, rules governing wooden packages, J. Ben Wand, secretary-manager of the Wooden Package Division, presented the proposed revis10ns.

A brief was filed by the National Association of Commissjon Lumber. Salesmen opposing the wooden package ruling requiring that c6mpensation to'commission men on sales to wholesalers plus the discount to wholesalers shall not exceed the established discount to wholesalers.

Calilornia Sales Agents for

Polson Lumber & Shingle Co.

Hoquiam, Waeh.

Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co.

Aberdeen, IVarh.

Prouty Lumber & Box Company

Varterrton, Oregon Operating

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