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t17APPAT ELECTBIG To L. A. Building Ordinance
A hearing was held before the Building and Safety Committee of the Los Angeles City Council at the City Hall, Thursday afternoon, April 19, on the resolution introduced in the City Council on March 15, 1934, by Councilman Geo. W. C. Baker, asking for an amendment to exempt the foundation grade technically known as No. 1 Heart Common Redwood from the building ordinance rvhich requires that all lumber used as the underpinnings of buildings be pressure-treated rvith creosote or its equivalent as a protection against termites.
Councilman Baker opened the hearing by stating that the Redwood industry is one of the oldest industries in the state, represents an investment of $250,0@,000, employs 11,000 men r,vith an annttal payroll of approximately $15,000.000, pays between $2,0@,0@ and $3,000,@O a year in taxes, and that the industry is handicapped by the ordinance.
R. R. Leishman, California Redwood Association, talked in support of the amendment. He discussed the grading rule specifications of the foundation grade No. 1 Heart Common Redwood which he said is free from sapwood and each piece of lumber would carry the Association's grade and trade mark as a guarantee of its quality. Emanuel Fritz, Associate Professor of Forestry, University of California at Berkeley, gave the committee much technical information regarding Redu'ood. Prof. Fritz was asked many questions by both the members of the Committee and others about Redwood as to its durability and resistance to decay.
Presides at Lions' Club Meeting
E. J. Stuipeke, manager of the Sterling Lumber Co. at Santa Rosa. Calif., was chairman of the day at the meeting of the Lions' Club held there on April 19. Through his efiorts, Henry Wallace, director of the CWA in that district, who recently resigned to accept the office of Purchasing Agent fot Sonoma County, was secured as the speaker of the day. Mr. Wallace gave an inspiring address, touching upon the work that the CWA had carried on in that dlstrict, and being a home town boy he did considerable reminiscing on bygone days'
Foreign Trade Week M.y 14'22
Southern California will participate with greater enthusiasm than ever before in the annual state-wide celebration of Foreign Trade Week scheduled this year for May 14-22.
This is the statement of A. Schleicher' president of the Samson Division, U. S. Tire & Rubber Company, who is general chairman for the program in the Los Angeles disIrict, details of which are now rapidly approaching completion. '
Stanley T. Olafson, assistant manager of the Los Angeles Chimber's foreign trade dep-artm-ent,-is geniral secietary in charge of arrangements for the observance.
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box'C-480. Care California Lumber Merchant.
A position by young man of good habits, experienced in yard and office work both retail and wholesale lumber business. Can run bookkeeping and billing machine, also has bank experience. Will go anywhere. References given. Address C-505, The California Lumber Merchant.
12 years' experience in the Retail Lumber and Building Material business-also experienced in Paint and Building Hardware. Can furnish first class references and bond. Will take anything for a start, lvill go anywhere. Address J. W. Haynes, 109 E. Lexington Dr., Glendale Calif.
Position wanted by experienced lumberman-retail or rvholesale-Pine and Hardwoods, as foreman, inspector, yard or office. Address Box C-507, California Lumber I\{erchant.
Warehouse equipped complete for handling of lumber and lumber products. 80x135 feet, double frontage, on Santa Fe Siding. Desks, safe and office space included. Apply Roy E. Harrington, care California Moulding Co., 1306 West 58th Street, Los Angeles.
Lumberman seeks connection as Bookkeeper-Stenographer or small yard manager. Experienced in yard and office management in California. Will go anywhere. Address Box 506, California Lumber Merchant.
About ten million feet. Good road. Situated in Santa Cruz County, California. Address Box C-509, care California Lumber Mer,chant.
FOUR-BEDROOM HOME, strictly modern, near Stanford University. Will trade for lumber yard in Northern California. Address Box C-510, care California Lumber Merchant.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, arrd buy where they know what they're getting.
General Sales Office: Eugene, Ore.
Mills: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore. CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVES
Northern Californie Hill & Morton, Inc.
Denniron St. Wharf Oakland ANdover 1077
Southern California
E. J. Stanton & Son
2050 E. 3Eth St., Loa Angeler AXridge 92ll