3 minute read
Bv Jack Dionne
Ag" not guarantsed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Some less
Looked Like Home to Him
The tall young man in evenihg clothes was leaning up against the lamp post about two A.M. and hanging on for dear life to keep from fallingr os he mumbled maudlin things to himself.
The big cop on the corner looked him over, then sauntered
Washington, D. C.-Thirteen associations and affiliated members of the lumber industry have just reported to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association expenditures of over $750,000 in research during the year 1937. Of this sum over $300,000 went for box and packaging analysis.
The reports, which were received from various regions of the country, outlined expenditures for industrial research, traffic and rate studies, tie seasoning, accident prevention, statistics, structural properties, deflection, sheathing material, package design, elimination of wapfe, chemistry, forestry, improved technique in firefighting, selective cutting, application and development of wood preservatives, rate of air movement and rate of drying, tests on laminated walking beams, laminated slabs, distributor beams, glued laminated beams, beams subjected to fire and other material of an investigatory na:ure.
The survey is by no means complete and a final accounting is expected to send the total figure of research expenditures close to $1,000,0CI.
by, and as he passed the drunk he shook his head sadly that such things should be, and remarked aloud:
"Nobody home."
"Oh yes there is ossifer," said the drunk, very definitely, "I can see a light upstairs."
Earl Galbraith Appointed Secretary
Earl Galbraith has been appointed secretary of the Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Southern California. Earl has been associated'with the lumber industry in Southern California for many years and is widely known in lumber circles.
David W. Teachout, president of Bassett-Teachout Company, Los Angeles, is chairman of the executive committee. The Association's office is at 10O4 Architects Building, Los Angeles.
Presented With Valuable Gift
Clement Fraser, manag'er of Loop Lumber & Mill Company, Alameda, was presented with a beautiful Lord Elgin wrist watch by a group of his friends at the conclusion of a meeting of the directors of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, April 18. The presentation was made by H. Sewall Morton.
Mr. Fraser is one of the founders of the annual Reveille, and it was he who suggested the name for the big gathering.
WEIJDWOOD is ideal for outdoor constructiort WELfDWOOD is the u'aterproof plywood.
WEITDWOOD is not enpensive
WEITDWOOD sates are srowine
WEITDWOOD tnakes Jriends
Announces Changes in Personnel
The election of Henry W. Collins, New York, as a vicepresident of The Celotex Corporation, was announced by Bror G. Dahlberg, president of the company on April 19. The appointment of. J. Z. Hollmann, Chicago, as general sales manager was also announced. In a third promotion, Harry W. Conway, New York, was appointed manager of the company's New York sales division, succeeding Mr. Collins in that post.
Mr. Collins will be in charge of merchandising with
We invite lumber declers to tcke cdvcrntcrge ol our well crssorted stocks oI
) Modern lcrcilities lor quick ( I shipnent crt our storcrge yard \
6420 Avalon Boulevard tOS ANGEI.ES
Telephone THornwall 3144 Collect
Henry W. Collins J. Z. Hollmann headquarters at Chicago, taking up his duties May 1, Mr. 'Dahlberg said. He is thirty-five years of age, and has been with The Celotex Corporation since 1923. Starting as a salesman on leaving Fordham IJniversity, he was appointed manager of the company's Chicago sales division early in Dn. lle became Nerv York sales division manag'er November I, 1936. Married and the father of two children, Mr. Collins is at present a resident of Bronxville, New York.
Mr. Hollmann, forty-two years old, has been with The Celotex Corporation since 1926. Formerly branch manager of the St. Louis sales division, he was appointed assistant general sales manager November 1, 1936. He is a graduate of Washington State College, Pullman, Washington, is married and has two children.
Mr. Conway, who succeeds to the post of New York sales division manager. was formerly assistant manager of that division.
Featuring Buffelen Front Doors
The good looking line of special front doors manufactured by the Buffelen Lumber & Manufacturing Company of Tacoma is being featured by Western Door & Sash Companl', Oakland. According to J. Z. Todd these special front doors at stock prices are carried by his firm in both Douglas Fir and Philippine Mahoga.ry, gfd in a number of designs.
The Fir door has 100 per cent vertical grain raised panels, r: raised.mould outside, and flat panel and solid r-nould inside.
The Philippi.ne doors are macle of dark red ribbon figured Lauan, with raised panels and raised mould outside, and flar pangls. and solid mould inside.
'"" All"'doors have wicket and turned wood grille."
Let Es quote you on yout tequirensb