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Thousands View Home Show at Los Angeles

More than 100,000 persons attended the Southern California Home Shorv rvhich was held at the Pan-Pacific Auditorium, Los Angeles, from April 21 to May 1. It rvas operr claily from 1:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.

The Graveg Scsb Bclcnce, Pabco products, cnd Knotty Western 8ed Cedor were displcyed by Grcver Comp<rny. The ilterior ol the booth wss linished il f,norty Wertern Red Cedcr pcnelr ncnulcctured at itr plant Tbe displsy wilt be noved to the genercl ofEces ol lhe company urhere it will be q permcn€nt exhibit.

Present at the offcial opening were N[ayor Sharv of Los Angeles; Col. W. H. Evans, president of the Building Contractors' Association of Southern California; W. S' Rosecrans. president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Conrnlerc€; F. W. I\{arlorv, Sottthern California-Arizorta district

In the center of the hall rvas a full sizecl five-rootn model home, built in seven days and completely furnished and landscaped, designed to cost betrveen $3500 and $4Om. It shorved the uervest ideas in building materials, expert rvorkmanship, and home furnishings.

Radiating from tl"re model hotne were the httndrecl or

<lirector c;f the Federal Housing Administration, I-os Angeles, and his assistant. Capt. W' G. Bingham; County Supervisor Gordon McDonough; Philip Norton, president nrore exl'ribits o{ hotne clesigrrs, building rnaterials, housing ccluipment, furtrishings, interior'decorations, financial clata. arrrl nerv ideas in foundations and insulation.

Geo, E. Recn Conpcny e:rhibited Super'Hcrbord, the Outdoor Ply' wood. which ia gucrcnleed cgcinat ply eeparctiow qnd Celotex producta. The booth wcr mcde ol Celotex. The ceiling wcs lbe new belotex Bull Noee unitr in 83 linish, :bowing lhe ure ol the apline ioiat, Tbe wqllg were oI Texbord, genuiae wood veneer over Celolex plcnlc one wcll ol blcclt wclnui plcnl crpplied verticclly, qnother horizont<rl sbips ol Mohogcly snd Avodire; while the bcrck wcrll wcra Celolex plqnlc cpplied horizontclly. The lloor wcs oI Promenqde Trcflic Top in red crrd green blocks with bltrch border.

Among the exhibits lvere: Lumber Industr;' displa-v, sponsorecl by the \\Iest Coast l-tlmbermen's Associatiolt,

California Redwood Association, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, and a group of Southern California retail lumber deal- els; Acme Spring Sash Balance Co.; Pioneer Division, The !'lintkote Co.; Graves Company; San Pedro Lumber Company; George E. Ream Company; Federil Housing Administration; Johns-Manville; California Panel & Veneer Co.; J. H. Baxter & Co.; Masonite Corp. ; Dura Steel Products Co.; West Coast Scree,n Co.; Pacific Cabinet Co.; Duplex, Inc.; Sampson Company; American Lumber & Treating Co.; Hammond Bros.; Wood Shingle Institute.

Curtis Woodworlc Art-Ply; qnd lnsulux Glqss BlocLs were Iectured by Scn Pe&o Lumber Co. One gide ol the booth wcs rnqde of I!r- gulux Glqgr Eloclrs, crnd the reqr wqll of Arf-Ply plywood tile. Pboio- grcrphr showing new detigns oI CurtiE Woodworlc, clro ihe Curtig Silentite crnd new "Rolovent" windows were displcyed.

The talking motion picture, "Trees and 1\4en," a story of the lumber industry in the Northwest which was presented

Dan Strite Convalescing

Dan Strite, Hammond Redwood Company, I-os Angeles, is convalescing at his home following an operation for ap' pendicitis at the Gle,ndale Sanitarium and Hospital on April L2. He expects to be back on the job soon after the first of May.

Visiting Northwest

Cliff Bergstrom, MacDonald & Bergstrom, geles, is in the Northwest on a combined pleasure trip.

Ir.rc., I-cis Anbusiness arrd

Will Make European Tour

Dick Nelson, Buena Park Lumber Company, Buena Park. will leave on May 6 for New York where he will sail on the S. S. Saturnia for Naples, Italy. He vvill tour the European countries, and rvill be away two or three months.

On Northwest Trip

John Howatt, sales manager, and Keith Mcl-ellan, city salesman, of White Brothers, hardwood dealers, San Francisco, are on a tour of the Pacific Northrvest rvhere they are visiting a number of plywood plants and sawmills.

by the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, was shown four times daily.

The Home Show was sponsored by the Building Contractors of Southern California with the cooperation of the Construction Industries Committee o{ the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.

Photographs by Skinner Photo Arts. Los Angeles.


George B. Eidemiller, salesman for the wholesale department of Hogan Lumber Company, Oakland, sailed from San Francisco, April 15, on the Matson liner Lurline for Honolulu, where he was called on account of the illness of his sister. He expected to be back about May 10.


R. W. Dalton, of R. W. Dalton Company, Los Angeles" California representative of West Coast Plywood Companl , Hoquiam, Wash., n'as in San Francisco recently on a business trip. While in the Bay district Mr. Dalton attended the annual Reveille in Oakland. April 22.

Called On Arizona Trade

Joe Tardy, E. J. Stanton & Son. Los Angeles turned from a two 'weeks' business trip to Arizona he called on the retail lumber trade.

Visits Los Angeles Office

has rewhere,

Francis W. Pool of Phoenix, Arizona representative of E. K. Woocl Lnmber Co.. t'as a recent r.isitor at the comDanv's [-os Angeles office.

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