6 minute read

Ten Years Ago Today

From the files of The California Lumber Merchant, May 1, 1928

The Yosemite Portland Cement Corporation were hosts to the San Joaquin Valley, Sacramento Valley, and Central California Lumbermen's Clubs at Merced on April 14. There was a joint meeting of the Clubs in the El Capitan Hotel at 10:30 A.M.

A bufiet luncheon was served in the company's warehouse, and was followed by an inspection of their plant near Merced. A barbecue dinner was served at 5:30 P.M., and a dance in the ballroom of the Women's Club concluded the day's entertainment. Nearly 300 members, their wives and friends, attended.

Richard S. Requa, nationally known architect, has embarked upon another old-world tour and will gather more photographic studies and architectural data for the compilation of his second book, a sequel to his "Architectural Details, Spain and the Mediterranean," which was published by the Monolith Portland Cement Company. This work received such widespread favor that the two editions published were soon exhausted.

E,rnest Ganahl Lumber Company announces that the improvements being made at its yard at Lake Arrowhead are now completed. The yard was opened last July.

The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce presented a handsomely carved Redwood plaque bearing the emblem of the City of San Francisco to Captain Walther of the new motor liner "San Francisco" when the ship was in port on her maiden voyage. The plaque was designed by Samuel Berger, architectural wood carver of San Francisco'

Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club held a golf tournament at the Red Hill Country Club, Upland, on the afternoon of April 14. 100 sat down to dinner in the Club House at 6:30 P.M., and during the dinner hour music was furnished by a ladies' orchestra. Following the dinner, Vicegerent Snark Dee Essley staged a concatenation when three Kittens were initiated. During the concatanation, the ladies played bridge. Dancing rvas enjoyed the balance of the evening.

Pioneer shingle company representatives from many parts of California gathered at the Pioneer Paper Company's plant in Los Angeles recently to hear the new sales policy explained.

Lumber - I:th - Millrcrk - Ttnben - Tie

Fitt"i - uire Pols - Car ud Railmd Materiala

PORT ORFORD CEDAR (Ateo knm u White Cedar c Law CYPrcs) i.rmber - Tiec - Crusing Plankg - Deckirg

T"nrl Timben - Venetirr Blind Stck

PONDEROSA AND SUGAR PTNE b-|cdet Donran Imber Mills; Chu. K. Spaulding LoSgtng C6'

AGENT$-Smith Wood-Product!, Inc.

Friend & Terry furnished the lumber f.or 12 test seats in the new stadium at Sacramento. The lumber was 7'xl2"xl6' dry, clear heart, vertical grain Redwood.

Leon B. Walker, The Red River Lumber Company, San Francisco, is on a European tour.

The sales department of the Riverside Portland Cement Company were hosts to the retail lumber dealers of Orange County and the Whittier territory on the evening of April 12. Prior to the dinner hour, the recreative facilities of the Los Angeles Athletic Club were placed at the disposal of the guests. A delectable fried chicken dinner was served in one of the Club's dining rooms at 6:30 P.M., following which the group were extended the further pleasure of a theatre party at the OrPheum.

This issue carries a write-up and photograph of the new Chas. C. Adams Lumber Company yard at San Bernardino.

Thirty-six lumbermen teed off in the San Francisco Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Presidio Golf Club on April 13. John A. Stroud won the low gross. Low net winners in Class A were Louis Stewart, IIarry Vincent and Homer T. Hayward; in Class B, J. H. Holmes, Garnet Fraser and Norman Vincent. Hugh Handley won the booby prize, after a tie between himself, Eddie Peggs and Russell Gheen. The tournament, which was sponsored by the Douglas Fir Club, was followed by a dinner in the Club House at 7:@ P. M. Russell Gheen was toastmaster, and short talks were made by J. Walter Kelly, Frank O'Connor, Hugh Handley, C. C. Stibich, Fred Roth, and James M. Brown of Spokane, \Mash., Hoo Hoo Snark of the lJniverse.

The Modesto lumbermen were hosts to the Stockton Hoo Hoo Club at the regular monthly meeting held in Modesto on March 26. Vicegerent Snark R' L' Ustick and J. U' Gartin of the Stanislaus Lumber Company arranged a very entertaining program for the occasion.

Captain George H. Wilkins and Carl B- Eielson made a successful flight over the North Pole in a Lockheed "Vega" Monoplane. Except for the motor mount and landir-rg gear, the entire ship was constructed of 3-ply spruce plywood' The material was furnished by the California Panel & Veneer Company of Los Angeles.

SPLIT REDWOOD Tiec - Ffi@ Pcta - Shingla

Shakeg - Stakes - Pillng - Poler - Ancbc!

R,ED CEDAR --- Shincle* - Transmisrion Polec - Stubs - Anchon

Fii.l- p^"t". O*n Tank Trcated or Untrcated

CREOSOTE, PRESSURE TREATED f-rrrber - Ties - Pola - Piling

JAME SL. HALL rr32 Mirlr F#H":'"i*Ft?Eiro' cd'

Merchandising Clinic \(/ell Attended \(ood lmports Greater Than Total Exports

The Retail Marketing Clinic and Management Conference sponsored by Johns-Manville at the Biltmore Hotel, Los r\ngeles, on April 22, was well attended by retail lumber and building material dealers from all sections of Southern California.

New York representatives of the company addressed the meeting. Kenneth Smith, secretary-manager of the Lumber & Allied Products Institute, Los Angeles, was also one of the speakers.

The conference was opened by H. B. Hyne, manager of the Los Angeles district, who introduced Franklin Shuey, Pacific Coast manager, who rnade a brie{ talk. Mr. Shuey introduced the first speaker, L. C. Hart, general sales manager. Mr. Hart talked on "Major Problems of the IndustryJ' Other speakers at the morning session were: "Let's Take Inventory," Kenneth Smith; "Distribution's Law of Gravity" and "Training and Equipping for More Sales and Profits," A. A. ITood, manager, Housing Guild Division; "IIow We Can Make the Building Industry a Selling Industry," L. M. Cassidy, general merchandising manager. The first act of "Helter-Skelter for Shelter" was put on at the morning meeting by J. L. Wood and Company.

At the afternoon session, the speakers included: "Backing Up the Retail Dealer with Sales Promotion and Advertising," L. C. Hart; "Wrapping Up the Package," J. I-. Wood, general credit manager; "The N{ost Costly Word in the World," L. M. Cassidy. "Sales Opportunities for the Retail Dealer," and "Proof of the Pudding" were subjects also discussed. This session was closed with the second act of "Helter-Skelter for Shelter."

All present at the meeting were guests of the company for luncheon and the banquet. At the luncheon, F. W. Marlow, FHA director for the Southern California-Arizona district, and Mayor Shaw of Los Angeles, were the speakers. The banquet was held at 6:30 P. M. with orchestra music and a fine entertainment program, with L. C. Hart as toastmaster. J. L. Wood told several stories during the dinner hour rvhich went over big with the crowd. George Clough, San Pedro Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was the speaker of the evening.

Merchandising clinics were held at Denver, Colo., April l1; Seattle, Wash., April 15; San Francisco, April 19. The final 1938 Housing Guild Training School will be held at the Hotel Leamington, Oakland, Calif., May 2-14, 1938.

Washington, April 1l-Wood imports exceeded wood exports in 1937 by $169,000,000 according to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, and this figure was 13 per cent greater than the 1936 excess of $149,000,000.

Stating that the United States now admits, duty free, from Canada 2Yz times as much in dollar value of forest products, as Canada's total forest products exports to all British Countries, the statement declared %)% of Canadian forest products r,vere admitted duty free.

The United States takes 68% of Canada's exports of forest products including pulp and paper, says the Association, while all British Countries combined take but 24o/o. This situation has made the United States, not Great Britain or the British Countries collectively, the greatest market for Canadian forest products.

Figures issues by the Department of Commerce, with classes the imports of rvood under Wood and Paper, most of the latter being made from the former, shorv the export of wood and paper in 1936 equal to $100,042,000 and increasing in 7937 to $137,127,W. However, imports were much larger. Wood and paper imported in 1936 had a value of $249,357,mO of which 86%, or $214,328,000 was free of duty. In 1937 imports were $306,469,000. The $2l43n,OOO import that rn'as duty free in 1936 was over twice the total of exports from this country in the same year.

tlnited States duties on impotted lumber species are and always have been the same to all lumber exporting countries, including Canada and other British Countries, continue the lumbermen. That is tariff parity. The British Countries assess greater duties against Anerican lumber than Canadian lumber of identical species and that is not tariff oaritv.

State Association Opens Office At Monterey

Headquarters for the California Retail Lumbermen's Association were opened in the Pryor Building, 282 Alvarado Street, Monterey, on April 20. Fred A. Witmer of Pacific Grove is secretary.

A. D. Davis is office manager of the Association's Southern District office at 715 Fay Building, Los Angeles.

J. O. Handley, of M. J. Murphy, Inc., Carmel, is president of the Association.


Telephone us your orderwhen your driver calls the load will be assernbled and ready to drop onto your truck. ftts tirne saved and rnoney in your poeket.

Douglcs Fir-Redwood-Ponderoscr Pine-Spruce Insulux Glcss Blocks

Curtis WoodworL-Douglcrs Fir Plywoods-Art Ply U S G Plcrster-U S G Rock Lcrth l5 lb. Felt-S K and Siscrlkralt-Building Pcper Insulcrtion-Roofing-Hcrd b ocrd

Ncdls-Wire-Corrugcrted Sheets-Metcrl Lcth

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