1 minute read


Alwcrys Up-to-Dcrte t New Concerns Reported

Being supplemented TWICE-A-WEEK, this Rcting Book, in your office, is kept new qnd up-to-dcte. Chonges qre reported to you every three doys.

New concerns storting up cre immediotely reported in the TWICE-A-WEEK Supplements-crn involuoble source of new potentiql customers.


' Exclusive Ledger lrlormcrtion

Thousonds of Delinquent Unpoid Accounts Reports received monthly qive you the benefit of Exclusiv" -CrLait Focts-gornered from the ledgers of hundreds of manufqcturers ond whoresolers.

Effective Tracer System

Trqcer System of gothering informotion oflsets the eflect of "hqnd--picked" references. Reciprocol Trqcer-Reports qre sent lree to cooperotors.

Determine for yourself, in your own ollice the vqlue of this Supplemented Credit Roting Book os spe- ciqlized service. There is No Obligotion. If not sotisfied, you return the book of our expense.

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