16 minute read
SAN IIRANCISCO ATID BENTEI.HT 16l Mcrket Steet Stra Frqncigco DOuglcrs 2561
LOS f,t{GEI.ES 60t w. Filrh st.
TBinitr 52{l
II you require quick dependcrlcle service' call "Colil' Pcrrel" when you need plywood' We have cr lcnge' well diversified, quality stock of hqrdwood ond softwood plywoods olwcrys on hand lor your convenience'
Sf,N DIEGO 1265 Hcnbor St FRartltn 723{
PHOENIX, ANy812 Title & Trurt Bldg. Telephone {3121
955-967 sourg ALAITEDA srR'tET TelePhone TRirifY 0057
Maiting Add,ressz P. O. Box 2@4, TesurNAL ANNEr I'S ANGEIJS' CALIFORNIA
*Advertirernentr apPeer in dternate ieruec'
Arcata Redwood Co.-----------------------------------' 8
AtkinroarStutz Cr.------
Baxter & C,o., J. I'L------------- -----------------------17
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.---------------- -------------21
Bradley Lumbcr Co. of Arkantat-------------------*
Burnr Lumber C.o.------------- ----'---------------.----'---27
Cadwalladet'Gibson Co., Inc'-------------------------- 5
C,alifornia Builderc Supply Co'---------------------*
California Door Co., The------------------------'--'----17
C.alifornia Panel & Veneer Cb'---------------------- 3
Campbell-Conro Lumber Co'--------------------'--- 4
C,arr & Co, L. J. --- - - -- ---- - -'- '---"'--" 7
C-clotex Corporation, The----------------
Cobb Co., T. M.
Cooper, V. B. *- -
Curtis C.ompanies S€rvice Bureau'----------------- r
Dant & Rurrell, Inc.-------- ----------------------'-'---"'15
Douglas Fir Plywood Acociation
Bubank & Son, L. H. --------------------------------------'29
Ewauna Box Co.-------- ---------------29
Fir Door Inaitute-----'---
Fisk & Maron------------ --'---------"--27
Gamerrton & Green--------
Gotmen Lumber Co.-- --------------- --'-------------------l-'
Pope & Talbot, Lumber Divicion------------"----- 3
Portland C,enent Acsociation----
Ream Company, Geo. E.----------------
Red Cedar Shingte Bureau--------
Red River Lumber Co.-----------------"----"'--'---- 5
Rorboro Lumber Co.------------------
Ross Carrier ComPenY-------
Sampeon Company ------------"--'---17
Santa Fe Lunbet Co.----------------------- ------- O'F C'
Schafer Broc. Lunbcr & Shingle Co'----------2o
Shevlin Pine Saler C,o. ---------------------------------10
Southwertern Portland C.cment Cr'-----------------*
Stanton & Son, B. J.---------------
Sudden & Chrirtenron--.------..--------------------16
Tacoma Lumber Sales------------------------- --O.B'C' union Lumber Co.'--------------'---------------"---------2t
Wendling-Nathan Co.----------- -'---'---'---' -' ---'--12
Weat Coast Screen Co.----
Vert Oregon Lumbet Co.---------------'-------'------25
Ve$ern Door & Saeh Co.----------------------'--------14
Vestern Hardwood Lumber Co'--------------------1f
WeyerhaeucerSalecComPanY--- - :
Wheeler-Orgood Sales C-orporation--------------27
Vhite Brother8------------------ -----------'-----------------24
Wood Lumber Co. B. K.-----------------------------11
How Lumber Looks
.^Lumber production during the week ended April lZ. 1941, was ohe per cent greatEr than i" ;i" ;;;;i;J;".k"; s-hipments weri.6 per c-ent t""r; ,r.*-Uusiness 2 Der cent g'reater, according to reports io the N;;i;;"I 'iil#; Manufacturers Aslsociatir; ';;* i.gi;."r associations cov_ ering the operations of representatlve hardwood and soft_ wood mills.- Shioment, *ire S pe, ."ni- felow production; new orders -7 pei ""nt "Uo"" ;;;";;; uurrng the week,ended April 12, 460 mills produced 245,249,W feet of hardwoodJ ;";-;"i;*oods combined: ;3jfo.o 2s7,627,@o feet, and booil.'a;;;;i receded, but orders for boat-building material, piline. heavv lFPq:" and staging fo-r new..nipyu-ra., t";.il;;;? ild"J_ rrrar rtems tor new defense_industrv projects, ind for rait_ ro_ad material, continue to strain it i "llti"g ."pi"ity-"t West Coast mills. The indusiry h".-r..ponded bv the addition of emergency shifts on to-" "o-iil"ili*iJ-.hii; operatrons and with many new small mills.
Lumber orders reported for the weef ended April lZ by 380 softr.r,ood ,";rrs ioiar.a ii,i,zigiD feet, shipments were 226,527,000 feet, and- productil" -*"" ff _lqdwood miils fo. ir,i *".r.;; new business as 11,594,000 feet. shipments 11,100,006 t"lt, and production 12,@2,O0O teet.
Seattle,- Washington, _April 11, 1941._The weekly av_ erage of West CoaJt lyrybei production-i, M;;"h'A;r".;Ji was 169,108,000 board feet,_br l06.i ;"; cent of estimated capacity, according to the W"rt Co".i-iumberme;r".L;;: ciation in its monlhly survey "t it "-i"a""try. Orders av_ f;Hgg 191-,I35,0cp lolrd ieet; shipmenti, lzo,04i,ooo. weekty averag.es for Februarl,wgle: pioduction, rci,f#.,m Pggfa_ feet (84.9 per cent of ihe tgrdigb """i"g");-;r;;; 165,056,000; shipments, tSS,CI2,000.,.^l-n"._rl.dustry's unfilled order file stood at Z4S,76f,,W Doard teet at the end of Ma_rch_; gross stocks, at gg5,43g,b0o.
The sustained drive of the W-".t Corrt lumbei-ina;;t* o.ve.r nro.duction _peaks above its everyday limits ;;-;_ rred on rn March to meet widespread and diversified de_ fense demand. Buying for cant'onmeni construction has
In the normal commercial trade field of West Coast lum_ ber, yard buying was spotty during Maicfr. The trend of permtrs tor new residential building was downward in February. Defense housing featuris tti. fr.*"-i"flafrii market.
Lumber deliveries by water into California for the Xronlh.of Y"t*, 16 companies reporting to the pacitic Loast Lumber Carriers, Association, San Francisco, totaled 95,281,800 feet, compared with 66,9itS00 in March. 1g,il.-
Deliveries at the various ports were as follows:
San Francisco Redwood Citv Santa Barbari
Defense activity in the mid-pacific, Canal Zone and, Carib_ bean has involved the use of a tremendous quantity of Redwood lumber, including a lot of dry uppers.' Tt . ifed_ wood industry is proud oT the fact that ii tras f"e" lUi. to serve the Government promptly in supplying its needs
(Continued on page 30)
Co. 'oT?]I#''
Loan Made for 58 Homcs Under FHA Title Vl
First of the Federal Housing Authority Title VI loans to construct homes for defense workers was approved on Apil24 by Capt. W. G. Bingham, District FHA Director for Southern California.
Captain Bingham issued 58 separate mortgage insurance commitments on a $200,000 loan being made by Western Federal Savings and Loan Association to Morris A' Somers' Long 8"""h builder, to erect 58 homes for defense workers in Long Beach.
"Judgingfby the large number of other applications being ,.".i.r"l ty itt. local office, a large volume of this type of defense housing construction can be expected in Southern California during the next six months"' Captain Bingham said.
Principal difference between the new Title VI loans and theTitlellloans,underwhichamajorityoftheFHA homes were built, is that the new form of financing makes the builder a direct owner-borrower whereas under the old form it was necessary that the home be owner occupied' Title VI *", designed by congress to speed up construction in defense industry areas and to assist workers in acquiring homes.
Sampson Company Installg Tanks for Toxic Dipping o[ Products
Sampson Company, Pasadena, -recently installed tanks "rrd equip-ent for wood preservation treatment of all their pr"atit when specified, as a result of the increasing demand.
,,In order to insure quality dipping we decided to put in our own plant," Bill Sampson told a representative of this paPer.
"Ai ; very small extra cost this preservative treatment gives satisfactory protection against. decay' stain and Lr-it"., also againsi gain or loss o{ moisture as well' The treatment uses toxica-nts for preserving wood combined with a water rePellent.
"Dealers everYwhere are now service comPlaints are reduced is used,"'he said.
PauI Bunyan & Babe at Westwood
For more thcrn <r qucrter'century the legendcry.Pcul g""i"".-a his mythiccl Blue Ox hcrve been identired ;trth.;;oa""t "'-"a service ol The Red River Lumber Cohrpcrny.
Stories oI Pcul's prowesa hcnre wosed the pine log;;;i"";-*r. ."tk i..v" i" New England' but Pcnrl il;";;; i:"v-ih rt"i " seriouE sidl' He persoliffi'G;; "J""igth; Jio!t"""i"" resourcelulness' de' ;;ffiii,y-;Je o"tp"t ol superlctive qucrlitv'
By yecrr-round opercrtion ol cr plclt equip-ped lor crn"iiti-q".-Uty mcrnulccture crnd scientilic kihr-seciltd fr;d ni;'"t ti"es up to Pcrul's reputcrtion with tr dependcrbly unilorm Product'
Solt Ponderoscr Sugcrr Pine II,MBER MOITI"DING Prn^|ooD
Venetiqn Blind Slats cnd Pencil Stoclr beginning to realize that when preserved millwork tN LOS ANGELES: Wholescle Wcrehoure Service' L'CJtrucl rhipnenle.
IN Sf,N FRANCISCO, OAIIAND trnd LOS ANGELES regioltrl -- -*t"" offices sorse Pcul Bunycrn'r cuatomers'
" Gadwall.Philippaneltt
Solid Philippine Mchogcmv Wcll PcoellinE
LOS ANGEI.ES OFFICE: Wettern Pccific Bldg'
Center Building
The recent dreadful events in the theatres of war have served, as nothing else could have done, to weld the people of this nation into one indivisibte unit, conscious of the peril to all free men.
The degree of the menace can no longer be doubted even by the most skeptical. That the pitiless power that has cast its tentacles over so much of the civilized world will eventually point its finger straight across the seas at this land of the free if Britain should falr-it seems foorish even to doubt. :1. :t ,t we have need for ""o;""; ,"Ln, ,n" kind of faith our fathers had at Valley Forge; faith in our country and its strength; faith in our Government and its leaders; faith in the mighty army and navy we are so rapidly preparing; faith in ourselves and in our God. These are the faiths we lean upon now. we are a great nuoor"l ".a""o"r, our resources are practically unlimited. When we are fully prepared for the defense of our shores, the prophetic words of Lincoln to the effect that all the armies of Europe corrld never by force make a footprint in the Blue Ridge or drink from the waters of the Ohio-will be provable. But we must be prepared-and fully prepared. And we must remember that there were no war planes in Lincoln,s day. x:N<*
Our national defense preparations of an all-out character assume enlarged significance today, and call for the con_ secration of effort of every man and dollar, to the end that we prepare ourselves with the utmost speed and efficiency to meet the growing terror from the East; to save Eng- land, and to save ourselves.
Today every man, -rj",..j child who loves America and loves freedom, joins together in a fervent resolve to do anything, sacrifice anything, to assist our Government in this vital hour to gird up its mighty potential strength, to the end that right may eventually triumph.
So now we bend our every resource, at whatever sacrifice, to arming ourselves as we never dreamed of arming before, to meet the most incredible concentration of ingen_ ious brute force and cold ferocity that this worrd has ever known.
,t !t ,(
What a powerful nation can do when geared one hun_ dred per cent over a long series of years to preparing for total war, is fearfully demonstrated today in the Nazi war machine. Holding a dozen nations in bondagg she still seems to employ an incredible number of men and machines to fight wherever she wilr. one wonders where all the Nazi soldiers come from. ***
So we, a peace-loving, happy nation of people are forced through no choice of our own to take up the weapons of war; weapons of a character befitting the menace that confronts us. ,t * 't<
And this happy country becomes a great armed camp, greater with every passing day. And thus it must con_ tinue until that happy day arrives when the horror of despotism and brute force no longer hovers like a mantle of darkness over the free people of the earth.
God bless America!
Southcrn California Sash and Door \(/holesalers Hold Golf Tournament
There was a fine turnottt at the Southern Cali{ornia sash and door wholesalers' golf tournament at the Brentwoocl CountrY Club, Brentr'vood Heights, TuesdaY afternoon, APtil 22'
R. C. Mclntosh, with a low net score of 68' was the winner of the Hollywood Door Cup, donated by the West CoastScreenCo.DeeEssleyandLloydCole'witha net score of 71, were tied for the cup donated by The California Door Co., and will play off to decide the winner'
The special prize, low score for the four short holes' ended in a tie between Kenneth Lynch and D' D' McCallum, and each was awarded three golf balls' The cloor prize, a sweater, was won by Victor Mendleson' John i{.r.ing, G. E. Valencourt, and Marshall Deats u'ere the .,rinners of the blincl bogey prizes' Many other prizes were au,arded to the winners of the various events'
Prizes were donated by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co" E.U.Wheelock,Inc.,BohnhoffLumberCo''Inc''West Coast Plywood Co., Pacific Wood Products Corporation' Thompson Glass Co. and Paul Revert'
Dinner was served in the Club House at 6:30 p'm'' 75 lumbermen being present. Earl Galbraith acted as toastmaster and presented the prizes to the winners'
Earl Galbraith and Orrin Wright were in charge of the arrangements for the tournament'
Joins National American
Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco wholesale lumber firm, recently became a member of the National American Wholesale Lumber Association'
Makes Flying Trip
Mulholland, manager' California Panel & Veneer Angeles, reiurned April 15 from an-Eastern trip air both ways to visit Algoma Plywood Co" Wis., and steel tubing mills in Pittsburgh' Pa' rHE INsTAIJf,noN oF TELETYPE qElvlgg: IN OUB TWO o#rii5-a-ryNc-ounbu-s-tor'lens-TTIEFINESTAvAILABLE #Ri-cE ion suPPtvryt'
PANELS Boost Deolert Profits ond Good Will
IThileyou are building extra "foot' :f ';gfi if ti5iT5T-lTff ffi : don't forqc it is also rdeal for interior pinels, tnm, beams, etc-' S.ii n"d**d'for ALL exPosgd olacesinside and out' Order irout tt Palco Redwood'
Lumber Group Enters Consent Detee Association lssueg Statemcnt on
Six lumber trade associations, 32 lumber companies and 20 individuals entered pleas of nolo contendere to charges of violating the Sherman anti-trust law at Los Ange'ies on April 16 and were assessed fines totaling gl07,Od by United States District Judge Harry A. Hollzer.
They were charged in an indictment returned on Octo_ ber 4, last, with violation of the Sherman anti_trust law in the production, manufacture and sale in interstate commerce of lumber obtained from Douglas fir, Western Red cedar, Port Orford cedar, Sitka spruce and Western Hemlock.
A consent decree whereby the defendants agreed to eliminate the practices complained of by the gov-ernment was entered by order of Judge Hollzer. The consent decree also provided for the organization of a West Coast in_ spection bureau within the West Coast Lumbermen,s'As_ sociation.
The trade associations, each of which was fined $5000, are: National Lumber Manufacturers, Association, Wash_ ington, D. C. i West Coast Lumbermen,s Association Seattle, Wash.; Columbia Valley Lumbermen's Associa_ tion, Portland, Ore.; Willamette Valley Lumbermen,si Association, Eugene, Ore.; Intercoastal Lumber Dstributors Association, New York City; and the Lumber and Allied Products fnstitute, Los Angeles. The court, however, sus_ pended all but 91000 of the fine against the Lumber and Allied Products Institute, as it is no longer active. _,Fines ranging from g10OO to $4000 were assessed against 32 lumber companies, and fines of $500 each were assessed against 19 individuals. Imposition of sentence was sus; pended against 27 lumber companies, the defendants being placed on probation for one year, and dismissals grantei to l4 companies and individuals.
Fred J. Early, Jr. Co. of San Francisco has the contract for building for the Government 14 dormitories and two utility buildings at San Diego. The entire buildings are being fabricated from Douglas Fir plywood. The sections are being prefbbricated by plywood Structures of San Di_ ego, a concern formed by Bennett & Stewart at National City, San Diego.
,A Lonsent Ueqee
Seattle, Washington, April 16, lg4l_,,The acceptance of a consent decree by the west coast Lumbermen'"-A."ociation, from a Federal Court in Los Angeles, is not an admission of wrongdoing,,, stated Corydon Wagner, presi_ dent of the Association in Tacoma today, ,,ft is,,; continued Mr. Wagner, "essentially an agreement to revise business practices in accordance with new rules for the game.,, Mr. Wagner quoted from the decree itself :
"rt appears to the court that the Defendents have asserted and do assert their innocence of any violation of Iaw, but have consented in writing to the making and entering of this decree upon condition that neithei such consent nor this decree shall be evidence, admission or ad_ judication that the Defendants have violated any law of the United States.,, _ "The Douglas fir manufacturers,,, Mr. Wagner stated, "have followed the rules of the game as they understood them. The Federal Courts themsilves have been confused as to just what the rules are. The Government's own economic policy has been uncertain. In the days of NRA, industry was compelled to do many things_tiren held to be in the public interestwhich are now regarded as grounds for criminal indictment. Industry has had to de_ termine its course in the face of a good deal of uncertainty and confusion.
"A recent decision of the United States Supreme Court, in the Madison Oil Cases, seems to extend the Sherman Act to many situations which formerly were not supposed to come under it. The Supreme Court has changed the rules of the game for industry. practices long recognized by business and by the public, apparently Uylne Gl.rern_ ment itself, as clean hits-are now marked as fouls or errors in the box-score.
"Despite legal and economic questions raised by the present policy of the Government, the Douglas fir manu_ facturers have agreed to accept it. The Consent Decree for the West Coast lumber industry means that its trade association must lay out a new diamond, change its team signals, and set up a system of play that accords with the new interpretation of the rules.
"The plea of 'nolo contendere' entered by the Associa_ tion and a number of West Coast manufacturers is simply a decision not to contest the charges' This requires the acceptance of fines imposed by the Court. The only alternative would be long and costly litigation that would absorb the energies of our group for many months' This alternative the Association is not ready to accept, notwithstanding our conviction that we have violated no law' Aside from other considerations, the West Coast lumber industry is absorbed in many phases of National Defense' The Association is being called upon for emergency services. It is not the time when the energies and resources of this industry should be poured into a legal struggle of long duration.
"Hence," said Mr. Wagner, "we have concluded to play the game in accordance with the new rules and to accept the orders of the umpire. We do this without any consciousness of willful violation of law'
"The cooperative activities of the West Coast lumber industry, built up around its Association, have always beefi out in the open. Our grade-marking, for example, was developed under Government encouragement through th Federal Bureau of Standards. Of course the Association had a selfish interest in promoting it, to make West Coast lumber.more satisfactory to its users. This was one of the rules of the game-as everyone played it. Now the Department of Justice regards grade-marking as so widespread and important to lumber users that its restrictions to members of an association is monopoly. Well ! The umpire changes the rules; and we abide by his decision'
"Like grade-marking, our other activities have been carried out in good faith, to meet essential needs of West Coast lumber and without injury to the public. This was true of our industry meetings on trade conditions; of the efforts to keep supply and demand in reasonable balance; of the distribution of differential price lists and recommended shipping weights. We still believe that these services represented business progress; that they benelited the consumers of lumber as much as the manufacturers'
"We shall play the new game in good faith; but we still maintain that nothing was wrong with the old one'"
Two Records For FHA Home Financing
Two records for FHA home financing in Northern California already have been shattered since the first of the year, it was announced by the district office of the FHA.
Indicating that home building in this area is continuing to gain momentum is the fact that the week ending April 4 set an all time high in the district office for mortgages accepted for insurance. Commitments were issued during the week on 439 homes for a total of $2,005,800.
The week of February 7 was said to have established a record for mortgages insured, the total being 475 home loans insured for $2,O7O,7N.
"Since FHA home ownership in Northern California has bdcome a two million dollar a week business, it obviottsly is a major enterprise," declared D. C. McGinness, district director.
"It means not only that more houses are being built, but that more and more families investing in homes are demanding the protection and safeguards with which the FHA surrounds every insured mortgage transaction."
SAUES 40% LAB0[ 0n
Every Galking Job
Stre5mlined foiqulckt clca.n' cJ' $,?f,tt" T'l:!"f I 11 1 "3J. *[-f 3 5;l?3 P:f.'1""t1911":oJ""';1tn"'SEASr9di
T(l NEil(lTE
Hands Ncvir Touch compound
Easicst Load In thc World to u8e' Solid Pack-No
Alr Pockett to Clog gun wlth dried out, chunkyCompound cqrpuil-lD nAc It[tBUne-DU
Speclal Alr-proolcdcohtaincr, practlcallY Vacuum packed. Smooth, evcn flow' Easy trlggcr actlon.
10 Loads to Carton I Full Sallon
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Concatenation May 9
The committee reports that there will be a big turnout for the Hoo-Hoo Concatenation, dinner and entertainment to be held Friday evening (6:39 p.m.), May 9,1941, at the Mona Lisa Cafe, 3343 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Dinner tickets are $1.50 each. The concatenation will follow the dinner and entertainment. A fine class of Kittens is being signed up who will be conducted by devious ways througil the mysteries of the Onion patch and the Outer Gardens of darkness.
Plenty of parking space is available. Entrance to the parking lot is on South Kenmore Ave., just off Wilshire Blvd.
The Nine, who will be in charge of the degree work, includes: Vicegerent Snark, J. E. Martin; Senior Hoo_Hoo. W. B. Wickersham i Junior Hoo-Hoo, A. W. Donovan: Scivenoter, Gene DeArmond, Bojum, LeRoy H. Stanton; Jabberwock, Fred Golding; Custocatian, R. S. Osgood; Arcanoper, W. P. Johnson, Gurdon, George E. Ream.
Membership and Reinstatement blanks can be Secured from the members of the Nine.
Reservations for the Concatenation can be made by calling J. E. Martin, 318 Central Building, Los Angeles, Telephone VAndike 4565.
Charles L. Shepard, president of Sacramento Hoo_Hoo Club No. 109, presided at the regular monthly meeting of the club held in Sacramento, Wednesday evening, April 16. James P. Hill, branch manager of the Dictapt o." io._ poration, gave a talk and showed an interesting color talk_ ing picture.
Distribution of lTestern Pine Statistical Reports
Portland, Oregon, April 22.-S. V. Fullaway, Jr., Secretary-manager of the Western Pine Association, has reIeased the following statement from the organization's headquarters in the Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, regarding the distribution of its statistical reports: ,,Our Association, in the past, has furnished to members of the industry, whether they belonged to the Assocation or not. copies of any statistical reports compiled from individual reports submitted by the respective cooperating mills. In addition it has furnished the trade press with its Weekly Barometer and current prices of certain volume items; has mailed gratis to numerous Government agencies a wide variety of statistical information; and has taken subscriptions to its Weekly Barometer at $5.00 per year. Many individual requests for specific statistical facts have been answered, without charge.
"We believe that the past policy has resulted in furnishing to interested persons virtually all the industry statistics that have been wanted. However. in order to make doubly sure that Association statistics are fully and fairly available to the purchasing and distributing trade, the Western Pine Association wishes to make known the fact that it now will accept from wholesalers, commission men, retailers, industrial users, contractors or other buyers of Western Pine lumber and lumber products subscriptions to any of its statistical reports. A schedule of subscription prices, based on cost, will be furnished upon application.
"Our Association will, of course, continue to furnish to cooperating mills, other lumber associations and the trade press without charge the same information it has heretofori."
Redwood To Be Used For Exterior Of Air Field Buildings
A contract has been let to Franceschi Construction Co. of San Francisco for construction of temporary barracks and officers' quarters at Bakersfield Air Field No. 2. Approximately 500,000 feet of 1x8 Redwood Rustic will be used on the exterior of these buildings. A total of .5.000,000 feet of lumber will be used on the iob.