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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
Forest Conservationists Meet in Los Angeles
For the first time in its 65 years of existence, the American Forestry Association held its annual meeting on the Pacific Coast, at Los Angeles, April 15-18. The Ambassador Hotel was convention headquarters.
The four-day program was devoted largely to discussions of land use problems in western states, with particular emphasis on Federal lands in public ownership' Economic and social roles of outdoor recreation, flood control, lumbering, grazing, forest fire prevention and mining were among the principal topics of the sessions.
Among the speakers were Association President W. S' Rosecrans, Conservation Association of Southern California; Mrs. Florence Kjorlie' Nevada City, conservation chairman of the National Federation of Women's Clubs; Regional Forester S. B. Show, U. S. Forest Service, San Francisco; Dean Samuel B. Morris, Stanford University; C. J. Kraebel, California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley; and Col. Warren T. Ilannum, Corps of Engineers.
Organizations sponsoring the meeting included the California State Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Society of American Foresters, California Conservation Council and a number of affiliated fire prevention and conservation grouPs.
President Rosecrans has named William A' Smith of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors as general chairman and H. S. Gilman, San Dimas, program chairman' The meeting was attended by the largest delegation of conservationists in the history of the Association' The annual banquet was held during the evening of April 16 and field excursions were made the last day and a half of the conference.
Ed Larson Back On Job
Ed. F. Larson of McElroy Lumber Company, Palo Alto' who recently spent two months in Merritt Hospital' Oakland, has made a good recovery and expects to be back at work May 1.
Likes Vagabond Editorials
Dear Mr. Dionne:
Please accept my sincere congratulations upon your splendid "Vagabond Editorials" in The California iumber Merchant, April 1, 1941. It has always been a matter of regret to me that you have confined your editorials on matters of wide public interest to the trade journal field. I still hope that you will become a regular newspaper columnist, and if you do' I predict that you will hit the National target' . I also want to take this opportunity in thanking you most heartily for your splendid cooperation with tt " Ct"- Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Carnpaign in the columns of The California Lumber Merchant' CordiallY Yours'
R. W. Emerson, Executive SecretarY National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau' Washington, D. C.