1 minute read
tloul $luch Sross business Youilo?
one great characteristic of lln successful Ameriaan merchant h that he is neoer satisfrcd- Neoer satisfi,ed, with his sales fi,guies . t . nrpotpr satisfi,ed with"his m,erchand,ise. Aluays on tlw searih for more d,esirable mcrcho,ndise . antd, for greater salas. rrl
IHE greatest piece oI merchandise on the market today is the War Bond. And American merchants have done a magnificent job. in selling them! A national Spl-lOl chain store company sold $53,464,389 in War Bonds and Stamps in 1943. A NewYork Department store with a volume in excess of $10,000,000 sold War Bonds in 1943 eguivalent to 40.6% of t}eir total merchandise sales.
Iour War Bond sales figures may not rank with these in omount. But there's no reason why you can't top these f igures percentage-wise! It's just the old story o{ getting behind the merchandiseand selling harder! A shrewd merchandiser in Kentucky devoted his entire 1943 advertising lineage348,000
How Many Bonds Are You Selling?
lines-exclusively to orr*nn the sale of War Bonds, Mounting War Bond sales will bring this war to a victorious close just that much the sooner! Bulthere's another side to the picture, too. Stable, profitable trade after the war demands a sfob/e buying public. 'Flash-in-the-pan' buying harms everybody-the buyer, the merchant, ond our country! But a solvent, thrifiy, bond ioldrng, buying public that fills its actual needs-ond,keeps on filling them yeor in ond yeor out in ever greoter volume-isthe soundest possible foundation for successful commercial enterprise.
lf your bond robt opprocch, or oxcood, 25O piocc o monlfi, and you aro nd clnody cn ltrulng Ag.nt tor Unlfrd Stol* Wor Bonds, w. suggcrl fhot you dl:cut: lho mqil.r wifh your Fcdorol Rorcrr Bonk. lf your bond rolor orc running of o fowcr roir, Vottr ovra bcnk con probobly ariong. lo havo you oppoinled o tublrruing ogcnl.
How much gross business COULD you do?-In War Bonds, we mean? WAR BONDS TO HAVE AND TO HOLD!
Mclncgilg Editc
\il/. T. BLACr
Advertiriag Mcnogr