1 minute read
Don E. Coveney, sales manager, Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco, is spending several weeks calling on sawmills in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
Ralph H. Wayland, Wayland Mill Co., Seattle, president of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau; was a Los Angeles visitor a few weeks ago on his way back from a trip to Mexico City.
Allan Helm, Del Black and Angel Tristan, former employees of Anglo California Lumber Co., Los Angeles, are now with the U. S. Army in England. Herb Riddle is with the American 5th Armv in Italv.
Lt. Cql. L. G. Burns, Army rvas in Los Angeles and San business.
Transport Service, Portland, Francisco recently on Army
Gerald Dundon, Atla4tic Coast manager of the McCormick Steamship Division, New York; Al P. Leatherbury, Atlantic Coast manager of the Lumber Division, New York, and A. H. Geigel, lumber and steamship manager at San Juan, Puerto Rico, are visiting the Pacific Coast offices of Pope & Talbot, Inc., for the purpose of attending meetings on postwar planning.