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Termincrl Sales Bldg., Portlcrnd 5, Oregon feletype No. PD 54
Douglcs FirSpruceHemlockCedcr Ponderosa and Sugcrr PineDouglcrs Fir Piling
29 Ycats Continuously Seiving Rctail Yardc and Railroadt
Los Angeles Representcrtive
Eastman Lumber Sales
Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15 PRospect 5039
Custom Milling Maximum Prices on \(/estern Lumber Ellective May 3
Washington, April l9-Specific dollars-and-ceuts rnaximum prices were placed by the Office of Price Administration today on milling kiln drying services performed on Western softwoods by custom mills.
Formerly, each operator could obtain the highest price he charged during March 1942.
Today's action, whi,ch becomes effective May 3, 1941, provides a more uniform and equitable price scale based on an averag'e of the highest prices prevailing in March 1942 and allows for the costs of both large and small operators, OPA declared.