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E Treated Tumber

Treqted in transit at our completely equipped plcrnt ct Alamedcr, Ccllif.

Trected cnd stocked at our Long Becrch, Calif., Plclnt

333 Montgomery St., Sqn Frcncisco 4, Phone DOuglcs 3883 601 W. Filth St., Los Angeles 13, Phone Mlchigan 6294

San Diego Hoo-Hoo Concatenation

Five Kittens were initiated and eight Old Cats reinstated at the San Diego Hoo-Hoo concatenation held at the La Mesa Country Club, La Mesa, Saturday evening, April 1, t944.

The Krttens initiated were Olin S. Easterly, Lysle D. Seibert, Fred A. Griswold, Justin Evenson, and Robert Estidillo. Old Cats reinstated were Frank M. Succetti, William A. Shumate, Ernest H. Aichele, Clyde F. Thompson, Orrie W. Hamilton, Mark Baldwin, Rexford L. Hall, and George Reitzer.

Members of the Nine who arranged the meeting are: Snark, Frank Park; Senior }foo-IIoo, Bill Cowling i Junior Hoo-Hoo, Al Frost; Scrivenoter, Mearl Baker; Bojum, John Stewart; Jabberwock, Carl Gavotto; Custocatian, Cliff Roberts; Ar'canoper, Charles McFarlane, and Gurdon, Nihl Hamilton.

The following attended:

W. L. Loizeaux, National Lumber Company, National City

Ben H. Seymour, Bay Lumber & Supply Co., Coronado

M. L. Baker, Baker-McDermott Hardwood Co., San Diego

Rex Hall, W. D. Hall Company, El Cajon.

Ernest H. Aichele, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego

D. F. Park, Park Lumber & Investment Co., La Mesa

Carl Gavotto, American Products, Inc., San Diego

Syd Smith, San Diego

C. E. Roberts, Benson Lumber Company, San Diego.

Bob Wright, La Mesa Planing Mill, La Mesa

Orville B. Wilson, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego

Orrie W. Hamilton, Southern California Retail Lumber Association, Los Angeles

Charles D. McFarlane, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co., San Diego

O. G. Gray, Park Lumber & Investment Co., La Mesa

Al. Frost, Frost Hardr,vood Lumber Company, San Diego

G. E. I\fattison, La Mesa -

Arthur A. Jensen, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co., San Diego

Clyde F. Thompson, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego

W. J. McDermott, Baker-McDermott Hardwood Co., San Diego

Nihl F. Hamilton, Lumbermen's Service Bureau, San Diego

R. W. Reid, Park Lumber & fnvestment Co., La Mesa

A. A. Maas, Benson Lumer Company, San Diego

Huntley A. Wark, Pacific Cabinet Co., Los Angeles

G. A. Mattison, Frost Hardwood Lumber Company, San Diego

N{ark N. Baldwin, Sullivan Hardwood Lumber Co., San Diego

George Reitzer, San Diego

Justin Evenson, American Products, Inc., San Diego

Olin S. Easterly, San Diego Lumber Company, San Diego

Lysle D. Seibert, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co., San Diego

Fred A. Griswold, El Cerrito Lumber Company, San Diego

Robert Estudillo, Madereria San Ysidro, Tijuana, B. C., 1\Iexico

New Ycrd In Berkeley

Davis Millwork Company has opened a retail lumber yard at 930 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, Calif.

Henry Meyer, well known East Bay lumberman, is in charge of the new yard, which will carry a full line of lumber, building materials, paints and roofing. The yard will specialize in materials for the Victory garden. The telephone number is BErkeley 5157.

Classified Advertising

Attention Sawmills

Opportunity for producer \ rho is interested in establishing distribution yard in Los Angeles to secure services of man who has had 20 years experience in executive position with larger Los Angeles dealers, who has a record of outstanding performance and who has complete knowledge of all phases of retail lumber : business. Unlimited future possibilities.

Your answer will be held strictly confidential.

Address Box C-1022, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.



Address Box C-2021, California Lumber Merchant

508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

For Sale

1-12 inch Extra heavy Smith moulder, No. 105-4. Starter and 30 H.P. motor included. All in good running condition. New caps and approximately 1000 lbs. miscellaneous steel knives ..$1,500.00


404 So. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena 2, Calif'

Lumber Yard For Sale

We have for sale a good yard in the San Joaquin Valley. Inventory $20,000.00. Lease on ground and buildings $200 or will sell. 1943 business 974,000.00. If your yard is located in Southern California and you want to sell, let us know.

Twohy Lumber Company

Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif.

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