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By /"ch Siatna

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some Less

A Couple of Army Shorts

A hillbilly lad was drafted, passed his physical, and was sent into the Captain for his general exam. The Captain said:

"What do you want to be?"

The boy asked: "What are you?"

The officer said: "I'm a Captain."

The boy said: "That's what f want to be."

The Captain said: "You don't understand. I mean, where do you want to go?"

The boy said: "I want to go home."

The Captain said: "Then who will do your fighting for you?"

The boy said: "The same guys that are doing yours for you."

Bcrck From Wcshington

W. F. (Bill) Fahs, manager of California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, returned April 22 from a trip to \\rashington, D. C. He attended a meeting of the Plyn'ood Distributors' Industry Advisory Committee.

And then there was the veteran sailor of World War I who went to the naval recruiting station and applied for active duty. He said he had been a gunner on the Battleship Arizona in the first war. The officer inicharge discouraged him at once; said he was too old for active naval duty, that this was a different war, and that his experience as a gunner on the Arizona in the first World War would not help him in the least with these modern guns, etc.

"You see, sailor, this is a different sort of war," he said. The veteran said: "I've noticed that. \l[/E DIDN'T LET THEM SINK THE ARIZONA IN THE FIRST wAR."

Pqramino Lumber Co. Moves

Paramino Lumber Company, San Fr'ancis.co, announces removal to new offices in the Chancery Building, 5g Market Street. The telephone number. GArfield 5190. remains unchanged.


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