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Srom the May le I.92'5 Issue

Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. announced the appointment of R. E. Seward as Southern California representative, and the opening of a Los Angeles office.

Dr. Ng Poon Chew, Chin".. .ditor and scholar, was the speaker at the meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, April 23. His subject was the "Educational Evolution in China."

State Forester M. E. ing of the Sacramento Sacramento on April 18.

Pratt was the speaker Valley Lumbermen's at the meetClub held in

The Orange County Lumbermen's on April 23. "llardrvood Flooring" ject discussed.

The Lumber Salesmen's dinner dance at Marquard's ing the dinner hour several "Marcuard Revue." About

Club met at Fullerton was the principal sub-

Club of San Francisco held a the evening of April 23. Durnum,bers were rendered by the 40 attended the party.

Pacific Manufacturing Co. of Santa Clara moved its retail lumber yard to a new site and erected an of;fice building and lumber sheds.

The Central California Lumbermen's Club met at Tracy on April 11 where they were the guests of the Tracy retail lumber dealers. The luncheon meeting was held at the Tracy Lions Club Home. The business of the meeting included a continuation of the discussion of a "Code of Ethics" rvhich was first taken up at the March meeting.

Dick Ustick, Stanislaus .Lumber Company, Modesto, elected a member of the City Council.

Former State Senator Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo, project. N. H. Parsons

William J. Carr addressed the April 16, on the Boulder Dam was chairman of the dav.

Miss Josephine M. Campion and James E. Atkinson, well knorvn San Francisco lumberman, were married in San Francisco on April 15. A wedding breakfast u'as served at the Whitcomb Hotel, and they spent their honeymoon in Southern California. tation."

Hoo-Hoo Club No. 37 held its first monthly meeting at the Alpine Hotel, Susanville, on April 6. Forest Supervisor W. G. Durbin was the speaker, his subject being "Refores- construc- San Francisco.

M. N. Salomon, of San Francisco, rvho rvas associated with the Acme Lumber Company for sixteen years, resigned to go with the Williarn Smith Company. The Acme organization gave a dinner party in his honor at Marquarcl's the evening of April 18.

Two Rock Commercial Co., Trvo Rock, built a neu' mill to be operated in connection rvith their retail lumber busiNESS.

Major George P. Baldwin, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., rvas the speaker at the meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Clult No. 39 at the Oakland Hotel on April 17. He talked on "Hydro-Electric Pon er in California."

The Santa Clara Lumber Company opened a retail lun-rlrer vard at Santa Clara.

M. A. Harris, Van l'ranclsco, u'as electe(t Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.. San president of the Rotary Cllub of Larsen Brothers tion of a combinecl at San Leandro completed the Iumber office and shed.

Progress Lumber Company of Redwood City their yard to a nerv site. The plant includes a mill, lumler sheds ar.rd a modern lumber office.

San Diego Hoo-Ifoo held a Ladies' Night at the La moved Mesa Country Club, La Mesa, April 18. It .ivas a "Hard planing Times" party, and over one hundred attended. There rvas a fine entertainment program, and dancing until midnight.

While most ol our lumber is going into Govemmetrt wctr uses, we hcve been tcrking ccre ol our decrler customsrs' reguirements to the best ol our crbility, -d we thcnk therr for iheir pctience cod coopercrtioa.

Amendment 53 to MPR-I88

The consumer durable goods price regulation was altered today to require a greater amount of automatic pricing by manufacturers of most such goods, including building materials, the Office of Price Administration announced'

(Amendment No. 53 to Maximum Price Regulation No. 188-Manufacturers' Maximum Prices for Specified Building Materials and Consumer Goods Other Than Apparel-effective April 2t, t945.)

Lumber After the Wcrr

"Lumber After the War: How Good? How Much? How Long?" is the title of an article by S. R. Black, vice president of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, St. Paul, which has just been published in booklet form by the American Forest Products Industries, Inc'

Copies of this booklet are available on request to the American Forest Products Industries, Inc., 1319 Eighteenth Street, North'ivest, Washington 6, D. C.

G. A. Pecrson Retires

G. A. Pearson, head of' the Forest Management Division of the Southwestern Forest and Range Experiment Station at Tucson, Arizona, retired from the U. S. Forest Service on January 31, after nearly thirty-eight years of service'

Forestry Reseqrch Foundction Estcrblished

The Forestry Research Foundation, a nonprofit trust, has been established at Salem, Oregon, for the purpose of encouraging gifts and assistance in promoting research and experimentation in all branches of forestry and related fields. Donations will be used for research in the field of forestry at Oregon State College and for buildings, equipment, patents and other steps connected with developing the Forest Products Laboratory to maximum efficiency in the State.'

New West Coast Consulting Forester

William W. Grogan, who planned much of the Clemons Tree Farm and developed the system of high speed fire control in use on that project while employed by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, is now a professional consultant in forest management, with offices in the Washington Building, Tacoma, Washington. fncluded in "Mike" Grogan's twenty years' experience in industrial and federal forestry in Pacific Coast States which followed graduation from the University of Washington, are six years with the U. S. Forest Service and National Park Service in Washington, Oregon and California and foqrteen years in industrial forestry.

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