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An $ilitorial

that number from our present population and we find that we have about 75,000,000 employable persons left'to find jobs for including both sexes. If there are really 60,000,000 jobs needed, then that would leave just 15,000,000 people remaining, supposedly women, to operate our homes.

Now, how many homes have we in this country ? The best estimate available is 40,000,000. So if u'e supply 60,000,000 jobs, we will have about 25,000,000 homes left with no women to run them. Let uS assume, however, that there is a woman in every one of these 40,000,000 homes, which is a modest assumption in normal times in this country. Then we would have just 35,000,000 jobs to be found and filled. If, as is mu,ch more probable, one third of those 40,000,000 homes have at least two women in them, keeping them, working in them, etc., as has always been normal in this land of homes, then we have more than 53,00O,000 home workers to subtract from the total 75,000,000 employable people, which leaves less than 22,00O,W jobs. to be supplied and filled.

Gentle reader, with the abgve facts and figures before you to fool with, you can sit down and in your idle moments figure out a lot of interesting things about this job situation.

The total of these is 58,405,000 people rve do not have to find jobs for.

These figures are basecl on the 194O census 'ivhich shou'ecl our popnlation to be 131,000,000, but is now estimated to be al>out 136,m0,000. Add the increased number of unemployables for the added 5,000,000 people, and we conclude that there are now 60,500,000 in this country. Subtract

And don't forget; the United States has always been the greatest home-owning, home-loving, home-living nation on this earth. The home with the woman to run it, to keep it, to care for it, (and for the kids that must be cared for as they have always been and must always ,be if this country is to continue), must continue to be its corner-stone, its citadel, the rock of ages on which it must be firmly built. We must assume that in the future as in the past our homes will be run by women who do not nrant and cannot use outside jobs; and we must therefore subtract the total of these women from the total list of employables. And rvhen we do that, we do not have sixty million jobs to create, as Henry Wallace and all the Henry Wallaces so wisely put it. We have less than half that number. And if the time-honored yules that made this country great are allowed to function, those jobs will be easily found. In fact, we should reasonably expect to have a job surplus very shortly after war to peace conversion has been accomplished, with no unemployed but the unemployables.

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