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Peter Schafer
Peter Schafer, of Aberdeen, Wash., president of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Schafer Bros. Logging Co., and steamship line, passed away at an Aberdeen hospital on April 14 following a brief illness.
Under his guidance, the Schafer company, starting from a small logging operation became one of the lltrgest lumber and logging concerns in the Northlvest.
Years of Schafer Brothers," soon to come off the Acme Press at Seattle.
He was a member of the Elks Lodge, Grays Harbor Country Club, Washington Athletic Club, and state director of the 'Washington Automobile Association.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Marie Schafer; three sons, John D., Carl A., and Ed P.; all of Montesano; three daughters, Mrs. Anna Gleeson, Montesano, Mrs. Marie Reid and Mrs. Gertrude Hobi, Aberdeen; a brother, Albert of Montesano; a half-brother, Chris Muller, Montesano, and thirteen grandchildren. There are also numerous relatives in central Wisconsin.
Funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Aberdeen, Tuesday morning, April 17. Active pallbearers were business associates of Mr. Schafer. All Schafer mill and logging operations were suspended on Tuesday.
to the Satsop Valley with his family homesteaded, and part cluded in the company ranch.
He lvas born September 25. 1869. at Cross Plains. Wis.. and came parents a year later. The of the old farm is norv in- the memory of His part in Washington is known anthor, Steu'art Holbrook, entitled
He and his brothers, Albert and the late Hubert Schafer, began clearing land for farming, and selling a few logs to local sawmills. Soon they found that logs r,vere a good source of income, and began the development of the Schafer interests, which no'iv has offices in Aberdeen, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Reedsport and Eugene. The holdings of the company include the mill in Aberdeen, the plant at Montesano, and extensive holdings in the Olympics and in Le'ivis County. The steamship unit orvns three coast liners, now being operated by the Government in the 'ivar effort.
Schafer State Park, east of Montesano, was his parents, and deeded to the the developrnent of the timber the subiect of a book 'ivritten
Donald E. Holcomb
Donald E. Holcomb, well knorvn Northern California lumberman, passed away suddenly in San Rafael on April 12.
Mr. Holcomb, who rvas in charge of sales for Arcata Lumber Sales Company, San Francisco, became associated with Arcata Redwood Company when this concern was organized in 1939. He was with Little River Redwood Companv from 1926 to 1931, and with the California Redwood Association and Redwood Expo;t Company for some time, and for a short period with Hobbs .Wall Lumber Company. His experien.ce included a knowledge of both the manufacturing and sales ends of the business.
dedicated to State. industry of by the well "First Fifty
He was born in Hinsdale, Illinois, in 1894, and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Louise Holcomb; a son, Donald E. Holcomb, Jr., who has been in service in Belgium for some time rvith a Raihvay Battalion, and a brother, William lTorace Holcomb in Philadelphia.
Funeral services .ivere held in San Rafael on Mondav. Aoril 16.
Price Increase on Douglas Fir Boards
An amendment to RMPR No. 26, effective April 25, increased the mill price of Douglas fir boards as follows: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Common, and Select Merchantable, $4.50 MBM. The price on No. 4 boards was increased $3.50 MBM.
For the time being, rve understand, the distribution yards will be able to pick up the increased prices on sales to consumers rvhich was given the lumber producers.
t. A. Beckstrom Resigns
L. A. Beckstrom, who has been associated with the L. W. MacDonald Co. at Los Angeles, has resigned. He was with the firm for the past ten years. He plans to take a rest, and has not announced his plans for the future.
Moves Olfice
The E. M. Dernier Service Bureau has moved its plan service to 600 Consolidated Building, 607 South Hill St., Los Angeles 14. The telephone number is TUcker 1737.
Fire Damages Lumber Ycrd
A fire, which spread from an adjacent building, damaged the Edendale Lumber Company at Los Angeles on April 15. Business is going on as usual, and repairs r,vill be made as soon as possible.
Celebrctes 9lst Birthdcy
Charles F. Fischer. widelv known old timer in the salv business, was vi3ited by a number of old friends on the occasion of his 91st birthday in San Francisco, April 15. He makes his home at 414 Schrader Street.
Mr. Fischer was cofounder, and played a big part in the development of the California Saw Works, San Francisco. He is the father of Irving Fischer, also formerly well known for many years in the saw business as manager of both the San Francisco and Los Angeles branches of Simonds Saw & Steel Co., and later as vice-president and manag'er of the Los Angeles branch of the California Saw Works.
Advertisements Becrdy lor Forest Industries
A complete new edition of advertising designs for forest industries-the fifth of a series-has just been issued by the American Forest Products Industries, Inc., 1319 18th Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C.
Scores of newspapers have been publishing advertising from previous editions of the Forest Industry Advertising Proof Book. Several have issued complete {orest editions. Proof books are supplied to forest industries and to publications upon request and mats may be ordered from the proof book without cost. The new edition contains 35 advertisements, all new,'dealing with forestry, forest fire prevention and the versatilitv of wood.
More than 700.000 different items I rmy are wrapped or boxed in paper.