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Cannot Get Along Without It
Inclosed is check for $2 subscription to your paper for one year dating from April l,l9D, to April 1, 1930.
We are just starting up a new yard located at 1286 East 5th Ave., Pomona, Calif., under the name of Pomona Valley Lumber Co., Inc., H. G. Shafer, President; Chas. Bonadiman, Vice-President; J. Fred Nutter, Secretary and Treasurer. We feel we cannot get along without vour
Pomona Valley Lumber Co., Inc.
H. G. Shafer.
Redwood Night at San Jose
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manag.er of the California Redwood Association was the principal speaker at the dinner meeting of San Jose and Peninsula lumbermen held under the auspices of the Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club at the Hotel St Claire, San Jose, Monday evening, April 29.
Mr. Hammatt talked on the new structural grades of Redwood, and told of the growing use of this new grade in bridge construction. He also urged on his hearers the importance of selling quality materials.
Max Cook, farmstead engineer, in charge of the Agricultural department of the Redwood Association, explained the idea of the "lumber school" as outlined in his letter published in the last issue of this paper.
Jim Farley, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Franci,sco, showed a moving picture film depicting the complete operation of manufacturing Redwood lumber, from the log to the car. The pictures were taken at The Pacific Lumber Company's operations at Scotia.
Other visitors were, A. C. Horner and Rube Smith. National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, San Francisco; R. T. Titus, 'West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle; J. Walter Kelly and George Kendrick, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Floyd Dernier, Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles.
J. C. Ellis, Ellis Bros. Lumber Co., Menlo Park, president of the Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club, presided.